
Monday, October 31, 2005

The Word of God

the word of god
is more about
a living consciousness

than about
lifeless printed words

Understanding Politics

i'm right
and you left

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Farewell Liberty

george washington's farewell address
was farewell to liberty
for indeed
there has been no such liberty
seen in this country since

Friday, October 28, 2005

Security - National? or Private?

i believe that
the national security
is a function of the soul first
and the body second

whomever by design or strategy
through deception and violence
imposes conditions which generate fear
among the common citizens
to later impose limitations on basic guaranteed freedoms
like habeas corpus
and the right to a trial by jury
or being detained without a warrant
or the use of cruel or unusual punishment
pose a grave risk to the national security

according to George Washington
these measures will be used
to provide "national security" for the few
to the utter "enfeeblement" of the public liberty
and the utter destruction of the many

when elite governing groups
incite doubt despair hatred and a spirit of violence
with the design to polarize the public
as Aristotle teaches in "Politics"
such means weakens and dissolves the public freedoms
and eventually the very constitution
by which these bodies derive their powers
in effect a non violent usurpation has taken place
and such is the case today in the United States of America
according to the observation
of many qualified educators economists politicians etc

once the power of certain individuals has been sufficiently secured
and the people's weakness and oppression
has been sufficiently achieved
the borders will close
the communications will cease
and the widescale butcheries will begin
first every person will be marked as slaves
on or in their body by a computer chip
for national security
"Verichip Corp" is on the way
just as in Russia
anyone refusing to take on Communism
was considered a traitor
we all know what happened to them

the foundations for this same system
are quite in place in America today

all those who are diligently working
or participating in bring about
such a system against the public liberty
do so to the utter demise of freedom
as we know it today
and maybe in their thinking
they feel justified
in view of how corrupt we have become
as a people
governed by coveteousness lust and greed
perhaps the alloted time for this experiment
has expired

one thing is certain however for me
i know that
where there is faith hope and love
the national security remains quite secure
since what governs it is based on a higher order
which applies
from the presidential top
down to the homeless bottom

indeed the founding fathers of the United States of America
commanded us to be aware of these tactics
and to maintain the constitution
as the only decisive rule of the public liberty
of each and every citizen

be wise
why be an unwitting victim
be vigilent
we have been warned
of the signs that would pervert our constitution
for certainly
they stated that
the corruption of "party"
would enfeeble our liberty
to the degree
that the nation would seek repose and security
in one man
who would "subject the people
against their will"

since these times are already upon us
i wish my readers strength and hope
during the troublesome days ahead
as those who govern us
continue to provoke fear on issues of our safety
with "signs and lying wonders"
they will harness the cooperation
of the people of this land
and indeed
of the entire world

though these things may happen to you
dear reader
i am certain that since true freedom
is founded on government
of higher authority and principles
than those of an earthly source
namely the principles of faith hope and love
as expressed in the Gospels
i pray that i may continue to stand in the truth
without fear
with boldness
and honor
according to my faith in Christ
who in truth faced these same circumstances
and who said
i give to you
the keys
to the kingdom of heaven

he warned us to resist the devil [the person]
rather than the evil [the idea]

and this is done quite easily
without government contracts
and weapons of war
simply state the truth
even if it consts you your life

now that my friend
is truly
national security
and the public liberty
for it has been founded on nothing less

[Please refer to: George Washington’s Farewell Address:


"It is, indeed, little else than a name, where the government is too feeble to withstand the enterprises of faction, to confine each member of the society within the limits prescribed by the laws, and to maintain all in the secure and tranquil enjoyment of the rights of person and property." v.19

"The disorders and miseries, which result, gradually incline the minds of men to seek security and repose in the absolute power of an individual; and sooner or later the chief of some prevailing faction, more able or more fortunate than his competitors, turns this disposition to the purposes of his own elevation, on the ruins of Public Liberty." v.22]

Cactus People

spiney green
apendages of the dry earth
standing alone
in the blazing sun
swollen limbs
holding fast
the healing milk
tightly held within
but nature’s grace
and mercy
will free it
from it’s tomb
when every year she tickles you
and forces you to bloom

Monday, October 24, 2005


when it comes to
helping others
in many ways
i am the most generous person i know

but when it comes to my money
and promoting my self
i feel miserable
because of how much
i think i lack
i believe i need
i know i want

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Wildfeather Success Model

and counsel

personal integrity
strength of character
and the will to succeed

increase each area
your success will increase

develop each area
your success will develop

keep each area
you will keep being successful

Whole Human Being

to understand
one's deepest
and truest feelings
is to be a whole
human being

whole human beings
are transparent
open honest
and defenseless

they wear no armor
carry no weapons
build no walls

they stand firm however
in the feel
and the letting go
of control

what follows from them
is stability of mind soul
and spirit
this is true justice
this is true mercy
this is true love


real feelings
are what you have
when you open up

false feelings
are what you have
when you shut down


is a little bit


the meaning
of the word


The True Religion

the true religion

worships a false god

Few Know It

is traumatized
few know it

everyone is poor
few know it

everyone is rich
few know it

everyone is blessed
few know it

everyone is cursed
few know it

everyone is brilliant
few know it

everyone is stupid
few know it

everyone is doomed
few know it

everyone is saved
few know it

Telling Exactly

it is better to tell
exactly what you feel
than to tell
exactly what you think

Vain Illusions

what you see
is the light
of what you think
is the substance
you know
you believe
you see

The Stick Up

if she grabs you
by your eyes

you will gladly
give her your wallet




knowing when

to let go

Saturday, October 22, 2005

The Toughest Ones

those who who are able to receive pain
are much tougher
than those who are able to give it

For a Fact

i know for a fact

after the fact

Opposite Fantasies

italians fantacize
about being loved
about being hated


play through a run
as slowly as necessary
to complete the run perfectly
never force
eventually the speed will come naturally
and with ease
all the while continuing to sound perfect
and relaxed

study the movement
finding the right speed to repeat a run
depends upon what feels comfortable and relaxed
since you do music
for the purpose of feeling comfortable
if it feels comfortable
there is love in it
love is what makes it work
love is what feels good
never forced
soft and gentle



sin is

biting into
what is biting into you



and love



government is like
the rigging on a sailboat
without the sails


The Artists

the artists
have always run the village



to move the body and feet
in rhythm
ordinarily to music
webster says

is a way of speaking
a way of releasing
a way of receiving
a way of giving
a way of sharing
the deepest reality
of one’s self
with god
and with the world

dance is many words
that alows the whole soul
to speak
in ways not limited
to sound utterences
dance is expression
which creates a living picture
of the soul

more than thought
more than idea
dance is life
struggling to be born
struggling to grow
struggling to connect
with the inner world
in search of peace
in search of meaning
in search of creation

ritual is the death of dance
since ritual is locked
where dance is open

dance is inspiration
dance is personal
dance is sacred
dance is worship
dance is praise
dance is eternal
dance is freedom


The Bar

the dregs are sitting at the bar
holding the foamy scum
total of life
grunting against polished wood

lonely struggling spirits
who did you ever meet at a bar
worth the pay
they return to drink
because drink
is faithful
it moves things
quietly pouring itself out
gently levitating tiny bubbles
pushing the soul
pulling the numbing senses
before they disappear

there is nothing here that moves
crowded empty place
stark bleak illusions on each face
damn this stubborn sickly block
against time
fatal obstuction of the mind

slid to the end of the bar
leverage against life
the fulcrum
in my hand


Bonsai People

kept in small containers
roots chopped away
branches twisted in wires
dwarfed human beings
have been neatly and strangely formed
down through the centuries
