
Wednesday, November 30, 2005

The Real Issues

the real issues
the false people

Love Irrational

is the irrational function
of intellect and will

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Addiction Reality Transfer

during nina wisniewski's
intuitive art class yesterday
i found that
if one is beset by some addiction
one may find relief
by engaging in the process
of intuitive art and design

the intoxicating effect
of self expression
is drug indeed
and the high
is higher than anything
i have yet experienced

Sitting At The Feet

a man
must never sit at the feet
of another man
and expect to learn anything

rather feeling led to
walking or preferably laboring together

as interdependent energies are focused
knowledge transfers
learning begins
a product is achieved
and god speaks clearly
through symbols metapors
and brotherly love

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


we are either
in coversation
or we have no conversation

if i look into your eyes
and there is nothing there for me
we have no conversation

if i accept you
and you accept me
and we like each other
and we listen to each other
we are in conversation

but if it's all about you
or it's all about me
or it's just business
or only tolleration
or ceremony

then we have no conversation

to be in conversation
we must be on the same page
but what's more
we must love each other
in the spiritual sense of the word

Real Male

few females i know
have ever tasted
a real male


life is a joust

The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth`

how do meek peace loving people
soft family oriented communities
defenseless young children
the tired and sickly aged
overworked single mothers
or struggling caring fathers

overturn brutal and unjust governments
who are being financed by other governments

unless through continuous aggrivation
insults injustices impositions
and the strategic unsettling of
economies and homelands
with the purpose
of stealing a people's land and resources
one intends to tempt the young men
to exit their peaceful realm
of meekness gentleness and love
and become filled with hatred
antagonized to the point of bitterness
and thus enter another realm
where the moral requirement for justice
blinds the conscience
and new magistrates
are sought to bring forth a just decision
in this process
some are driven insane
others into terror
others to suicide

but god himself
has promised to avenge them
and bring their oppressors
to a most bitter end

and the righteous will see it
and be glad

"blessed are the meek
for they shall inherit the earth"
- Jesus

No Escaping

there is no escaping

Make It

make it fun
make it beautiful
make it happy



Your Expression

your expression
is who you are

Your Superior

the one who preserves the truth
before his body
is your superior

Friday, November 04, 2005

Agent Sea

For Ann Farber
by Joe Segreto[Jeseppi], 4/23/98

each morning
the swamp grass
at the edge of the marina
declared it
i didn’t hear

the egrets clouding shallow pools
with tiny vibrating feet
were quite clear
i didn’t see

but today as the tides changed so softly
gently pouring new life
cleansing the old
it whispered
like a hurricane
in my dull and senseless ear
a new day is coming
some things must pass away
that your life can reach
as never before
as high as the heavens
as deep as the ocean floor.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

The Bilderberger

righteousness stands open and true

whereas the philosophy of tyrrany and dictatorship
is secrecy concealment and fear

Touched And Healed

jesus removed

the agonizing guilt and shame

which separated me from god

Tyrrany vs. Terrorism

it makes no difference
which came first
the chicken or the egg
i eat them both

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


some say
jesus was a rebel

i say
jesus was obedient
even to death

those who condemn him
are rebels