
Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Hear Oh Ysrael

hear oh Ysrael

you must first accept
the idea
of the messiah
before you can judge
who he is

Absolute Rubbish in Naples

"Italian city faces rubbish crisis"

You see ...
what starts off as an innocent blog ...

now go to Unbelievable Jibberish for the rest of the story.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

God Says vs. State Says

god says thou shall not kill
but if the state says thou shalt kill
in the interests of your country
it is no longer immoral
but an honor (read more)

Monday, May 21, 2007


where do you go
after you no longer need to impress anyone?

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Preditors and Prey

the only way to survive around predators
is as a predator

the physically strong and violent
get eaten by the word
the mentally weak and meek
are liberated by the word

all prey are either hiding
or perishing


is often an obsessive compulsive tick
posing as creative rhythm

Snot Rags

never be a receptacle
for someone else's snot rags


to chaos and disaster

Saturday, May 19, 2007


your consciousness
is your eternity

Monday, May 14, 2007

Baby Faces

[this is a response to a friend's whose wife is struggling with some depression after having her first child]

Dear Pasquale,

hope all is going well

a thought occurred about the Japanese culture

i believe that in certain ways being closed disconnected protective and distant
may have been raised to the level of an art form
i think think is the reason they tell us that a westerner
can never truly understand the depth of the Japanese mind

certainly if their culture made an art of being open connected vulnerable and intimate
then understanding would be greatly enhanced

when one thinks about the degree to which women and children
are controlled subordinated and humiliated
it is easy to understand why

the reason that i love Christ is because i hear a voice in my soul telling me
that i am to be open so i embrace his teaching and spirit
and intimacy becomes the end of my life and relationships

some look upon my openness with disdain thinking it to be a form of weakness
Miuki's openness may be triggering a subconsious response of anxiety
because she may be feeling uncomfortable with her deepest feelings and emotions
even in the Sicilian culture there is some of that - perhaps in all cultures
i think my family made arrogance an art form
and in the same manner everyone was shut down
my own mother definitely had a huge anxiety problem when i came around
because she must have found herself opening up ... safe as it may have seemed ...
and she had difficulties with her feelings since she had been trained to shut down
and worse ... living in feelings of shutting down rather than in feelings of opening up.

that said, i hope that you will consider these ideas and get back to me

i'd be blessed to hear your opinion,



how do you like the faces ... be frank!

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Our Hang-Ups

so where do all our hang-ups come from?

how were you:

and humiliated
by your parents?

the opposite
is to be:

and esteemed and honored

in order to find out
where one may be in these two paradigms
one's core sexual feelings
and inclinations
may be an good indication

what sort of romance that you fantasize about?

Sunday, May 06, 2007


are the nemesis of some
and the power of others

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Honest Mutual Exchange

there is a difference between:

it feels nice to be around you
exchanging real feelings

i have found that it is quite common
to like to be around people one likes
without ever exchanging any real feelings

i think this is this a selfish act

i may be nice to you
i might use certain strategies
to win your friendship and support
but if i fail to let you know how i really feel
because i am unwilling or unable
to express my true and honest feelings
because i stifle them and hold them back
and if i put on a perpetual face of mirth
seeming to express friendliness and kindness
when in truth
i have quite different agenda underneath
that i feel ashamed to acknowledge
and share honestly and openly with one person
although i will quiet adroitly complain
to someone else
then i am becoming a good actor
who can parrot the correct and perfect lines to say on cue
with great skill and emotion
according to my private script
in my own private play

a close person in my life
once told me
that his feelings were none of my business
if i told you who this person was
you would weep

how sad
as i reflect

i wonder what it was we exchanged
all those years

was it some vain ceremony
during holidays
some familiar voice
some recognizable face
and predictable behavior
that i had grown used to
and for the most part
bored with and tired of

when did we ever honestly and openly exchange
our real feelings
within the realm of love, truth, depth, and sincerity
instead these were vain empty terms
that we used pretentiously
to pride ourselves
in thinking
we were so spiritual
so honest

when did we ever say:

i feel delighted when you ...
i feel annoyed when you ...
i feel pleased when you ...
i feel troubled when you ...
i feel honored when you ...
i feel angry when you ...

who taught us to be so adept
at excluding from view
what really matters
in the heart of hearts

depart from me ...
i never knew you
are the words of Christ
expressing the will of the true God
whose true nature is true love

for love
is open, connected, vulnerable and intimate

all that proceeds from being
closed, disconnected, protective and distant
in all its vain glory
is iniquity