
Thursday, June 28, 2007

Pez Life

to her
life was one huge pez dispenser

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The Bad Guy

i had deep human issues
in the spirit

and she had deep human issues
in the spirit

when i acknowledged
that the issues between us
were irreconcilable
she also acknowledged it
and ratified it with her signature

that divorce
was the first time
in twenty three years
that there was something we could actually agree upon
we both understood and wanted

so really, who's the bad guy??
be careful who you judge
it may come back to haunt you!


before i can stand for the people in china
i must first stand for myself

before i can stand for the people in africa
i must first stand for my own family

before i can stand for the people in south america
i must first stand for my own community

before i can stand for the people in asia
i must first stand for my own country

before i can stand for god
i must first stand for all the people in the earth

then after i have stood for all these things
at last i can sit down

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Respect for the Living

if mankind
had as much respect
for the living
as it does
for the dead
the world
would be a much happier place
to live and die in

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

The Successful Jews

one of the reasons why jews are successful
is because they have a tribal sense of family
they speak to one another constantly
they give each other the business!

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Curious Thoughts

— what did they feel
when they were molesting you?
that —
is exactly what you feel
it was transmitted to you
and you know it.

— know the difference
between living energy
and dead energy
a plum is living energy
coffee is dead energy

— i feel unusual
i have nothing to put on

— a weak person
loves the face
a weaker person loves the body
a wise and strong person
loves the soul

— the more one wishes well of others
the more well one becomes
the opposite is also true

— you will ...
live in the fullness of your emptiness
or in the emptiness of your fullness

— music was invented
to delight the soul
and in no way
to depress, oppress, obsess or possess it

— clapping one's hands
is the best form of exercise

Going In and Coming Out

the capability to come and go
is the measure of a person's freedom