
Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy Nu Yeer!

shape it to fit your needs

may abundance love and good feelings
fill your new year

- Wildfeather

[click to enlarge]

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Love Is Alive

love is alive
everything else is dead

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Beastly Training

heavy burdens and beatings
sit on the the backs
of the jack asses and donkeys
who are abused

generals and princes sit on the backs
of arabians and quarter horses
who are refined

what did your parents expect of you?
and how were you treated?

those who treated you as an ass
have little right to expect you to carry princes
their hope is ignorant and vain

those who raised you to be an arabian
have little right to expect you to carry heavy loads
their hope is incorrect

• what are we?
• how have we been treated?
• what have we become?
• what will it take to change?

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas

peace on earth to men of good will

in order to truly love your neighbor
you must first understand him
in order to truly understand your neighbor
you must first love him

either way
whatever it is you are willing to do first
understand or love
i hope that the other will soon follow

same goes for women

merry christmas

Saturday, December 08, 2007

4,000 Killed, $1.6 Trillion Debt

Let's see:


Who is $1.6 Trillion richer?

You? ...Me?

no ... as I see it ... we are $1.6 poorer.

Those who are $1.6 Trillion richer are stronger, happier, wiser and in a better position today to create even more wars to insure their earnings.

Those who are $1.6 Trillion poorer are weaker, sadder and as ignorant as we were before believing the propaganda about terrorism. Shackled in greater fear and we readily escape through entertainment, media and consumerism.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Equality and Liberty

" ... all men were created equal ..."

"Equal" means many different things. What did it mean to Jefferson?
one definition reads:
    1. Having the same quantity, measure, or value as another. [Communism?]
    2. Mathematics. Being the same or identical to in value.
      1. Having the same privileges, status, or rights: equal before the law. [Socialism?]
      2. Being the same for all members of a group: gave every player an equal chance to win. [Democratism?]
      1. Having the requisite qualities, such as strength or ability, for a task or situation: “Elizabeth found herself quite equal to the scene” (Jane Austen). [Republicanism?]
      2. Adequate in extent, amount, or degree.
    3. Impartial; just; equitable. [Justice?]
    4. Tranquil; equable. [Zen equality?]
    5. Showing or having no variance in proportion, structure, or appearance. [product unit?]

    n. One that is equal to another: These two models are equals in computing power.

    tr.v., e·qualed or e·qualled, e·qual·ing or e·qual·ling, e·quals or e·quals.
    1. To be equal to, especially in value.
    2. To do, make, or produce something equal to: equaled the world record in the mile run.

    Now consider Michelangelo ...