
Monday, January 28, 2008

Two Levels of E Pluribus Unum Politics

how a group of people meet
to talk about road maintenance
garbage collection sewers
and animal shelters
is different

than when groups of people meet
to talk about manufacturing necessary product and utilities
generating earnings

creating efficiencies and expanding developments
which result in profits for investors

it is wise to consider the caliber of leadership in each
in terms of profit rather than loss
this is why i have had to rethink and reevaluate robert s mcnamara
and the Fog of War

Friday, January 25, 2008


abuse is never a one way street

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Drawing a Straight Line Without a Straightedge

A designer once said:

"You make a point where you want the line to end, then go to where you want the line to start and draw toward that point, never looking at where you actually are drawing, just keeping your eye on the point in the distance."

Well, I tried it, and I can't say I drew a perfectly straight line. But it was better than my usual efforts without use of a ruler."

I think I will apply this principle to my life.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Home Security for the Rich and Socialism for the Poor: Some Sneaky Politics

as the numbers of the filthy rich shrink
and the numbers of dirt poor expand
teams of rich capitalists
who traditionally embraced the lucrative practices of monopoly
have harnessed vast numbers of souls
politically and economically
under a global socialist bureaurocracy
which by the way has served to kill imprison
or disable multitudes along the way

it's cheaper more efficient
and such kinds of governments
are great for those of a vulgar and violent slave mentality
serving to increase precious earnings for stock holders
this it has proven itself to be the wisest way
to enslave the dirt poor into regions of cheap massive labor
which the filthy rich capitalists need to achieve their goals
take china for example
in other words
let the workers enslave themselves
in their own way
in their loathing hatred of capitalism
nothing new here mr. marx
macchiavelli wrote the book for the medicis

it is being suggested that such monopoly minded businessfolk
succeeded by 1924 in owning russia
for about 40 million dollars
and then isolated her behind and economic iron curtain
preventing her from trading with other nations
except those whom the capitalists wished to control
all the while pushing "the domino theory"
which today has been proven wrong by robert s mcnamara himself
while insuring public support in the us and europe
and effectively removing the russians
from competing with the prevailing monopoly industrialists

this i think is the underlying reason why russia hates capitalism
for it was the capitalists who enslaved them
and caused them to live in fear through such agents as lenin and stalin
and their state monopoly capitalism
russia has been doing state controlled big business with the us ever since
this is monopoly in it's glory

a stanford research fellow at the hoover institute proved this
Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution by Antony C. Sutton
he also did a little study on wall street and adolf hitler
... well worth reading

then between the 1st and 2nd world wars the monopolists
[think parker brothers]
effectively disabled europe
and japan
sending them back decades
while removing gold as a standard
and harnessing them under the us dollar
and controlling natural resources like oil
limiting transportation
key in distribution of goods and services
to fiats and small light weight fuel efficient vehicles
compare that to our massive use of mac powered trucks
and megalithic trailers

thus united states of america has become the richest
and most powerful administrating force in the world
as high level
international investment bankers and industrialists
financed crippling hair raising eco-socio-political systems
bolshevism, nazism, and literally all forms of socialism
and then happily provided the solution for the quote unquote free world: war
this is an ancient and quite effective business maneuver
("are there no prisons, are there no work houses?" —dickens)
did you know
the largest industry in the entire world today
is the prison industrial complex in america
why is that
has anyone ever stopped to think
that perhaps we are behind a unique kind of iron curtain
fashioned specifically for us
and we fail to recognize it
same as the russians failed to recognize communism
but embraced it as a system designed to provide their homeland security?

getting used to walking through a metal detectors
being watched by surveillance cameras
removing your shoes and all the contents of your pockets
(i practiced this each time I entered Folsom Prison to minister to inmates in '90)
and watching your grand mothers being detained and interrogated
when their stainless steel hip joints set off alarms?

see the movie "Children of Men"
and then take a good look at this link
Late Monopoly Capitalism
and see what some folks would like us to think
but, what do you think?

was lyndon b johnson the master politician
wise to what was really going on underneath the surface?
early on in the vietnam conflict he said to mcnamara,
"we might have to kill a few people"
and corporate minded, freedom loving robert s mcnamara the eagle scout was naíeve
he would lead us to believe ... then and now

he said,
"we see incorrectly or we see only half of the story at times ...we see what we want to belive ... belief and seeing, they're both often wrong." –mcnamara, the fog of war

Jesus said
ye shall know the truth
and the truth will set you free


how can the blind lead the blind
they will both fall into a pit

Thursday, January 17, 2008


how can you confess your sins
unless you know what it is you like
and if you like it
why would you ever want to confess it as a sin
you like it
and that's why you do it

so when you deny someone their just inheritance
because you like to put extra money in your pocket
and when you abuse your daughter verbally
because you like being right all the time
and when you lie to everyone because you love controlling everything
and when you love criticizing and condemning others
and if you are addicted and in bondage
why would you ever want to confess these things you love doing
to confess them as sins
these are things you love
and if you confess them as sins
you may feel the need to stop doing what you love
but you are unable
and your conscience speaks to you and warns you
saying change your mind and repent
but you are unable to change your mind
but are you unwilling
and that it the whole key to confession
if you confess with your mouth
and believe in your heart
that Jesus is Lord
he will forgive you of all unrighteousness
and he will save and rescue you from your sins
and set you free

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Good Food

good food
and the quality of it
is the most important thing
in a person's life
more than clothing
and more than shelter

Friday, January 11, 2008

It's Time

i'm living around farmers in upstate new york

how do you say
to the lamb you've raised since birth
and know by name
and talk to every so often

it's time to eat you

Bondage or Freedom Plain and Simple

imagine how deeply the emotion
"i want you to stop doing this to me"
has ever gotten in your life

and how deeply it might get in another's

what happens when you've had enough
what happens when you feel stuck in a situation
that feels painful
and you are unable to change it

where do you go
and what do you do

do you shut down and numb out
or do you open up and accept more suffering
do you say hey wait a minute
i'm having a problem with what you are laying on me
or do you say somewhere along the way
i knew what was coming
i agreed to this
and now i am going to remain in the ride
or do you say somewhere along the way
this came upon me
as oft it will
and i refuse to agree to this kind of treatment
i refuse to submit to it
i refuse to be subject to it
or to subject myself to it
because i am free
and the one doing the controlling is in bondage
and wants me to be in bondage
just the same way as i am in freedom
and want others to be in freedom

those who are in bondage
must be disciplined
by those who are free
as those who are quite free
never let themselves be disciplined
by those who are in bondage
plain and simple

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Animals of Hessian Hill in Gallupville, New York

Click to enter Picasa. Select slide show. 28 Photos.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

War & Peace

war is hell
those who favorite it are devils

peace is heaven
those who favorite it are angels