
Sunday, March 30, 2008

John Doerr, Google Board Member

I find this information interesting:

The following may be found at as a continuation of the bio of
John Doerr, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers

A World Lit Only By Fire, William Manchester
Banker to the Poor, Muhammad Yunnus
The World Is Flat, Thomas Friedman
Good to Great, Jim Collins
How to Change the World, David Bornstein
Einstein, Walter Isaacson
Flu, Gina Kolata
Thomas Friedman’s columns
Charlie Rose
Silicon Beat
“Family First”
Mom and Dad
Bill Campbell
Bill Joy
Kids' stuff (trampolines and rock concerts), cycling, hiking, skiing, photography, surfing (the web), traveling, reading, music and messing around with computers/technology
“Where you live should not decide… whether you live or whether you die.”
-- Bono

“I strongly believe that we can create a poverty-free world, if we want to.... In that kind of world, [the] only place you can see poverty is in the museum.”
-- Muhammed Yunus

“ [Green's] opponents... named it liberal, tree-hugging, girly-man, sissy, unpatriotic, vaguely French… I’ve been trying to redefine green as the most capitalistic, patriotic, geostrategic, pro-american... green IS the new red, white and blue.”
-- Tom Friedman

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.”
-- Margaret Mead

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Lessons Learned

i repudiate and come against that wicked energy
that proud boastful energy
that exalts itself above others
that wicked spirit
that demon of self righteousness
that puts on a pious act
and purports to be one thing in public
but quite another in private
and says so what's wrong with that
and says so what's wrong with i just be a hypocrite
for i say that truth comes clean
and clean is a state
that requires washing
unless it started clean
and remained pure
which is never the case
so in the water we must go
for the washing of regeneration
and the renewing of the Holy Spirit
and i think that means refreshment

and do you have to come clean to everybody

just someone
create a humble posture
you'll be admired for it
you'll be esteemed
you'll be praised
if no one is praising you
it is probably because you are doing things wrong
or you are spending too much time
praising yourself

and if no one
it is because
one is yet to be honest and clean with oneself
and never has come before God
aware of one's imperfections
is always the posture of being before God
for no one is perfect except God
unless you make yourself equal with God
unless you are Jesus who is the son of God
who takes away the sins of the world
the sins of our imperfections
and forgives us our sins
as we forgive those who have sinned against us
for choosing to forgive
is one of the faculties already given to us as a gift
and is intended to support us in our friendship with God
never with evil

the desire to feel good is good
the desire to feel evil is evil
the desire to know good is good
the desire to know evil is evil
the desire to find good is good
the desire to find evil is evil
the desire to the desire to embrace good is good
the desire to embrace evil is evil
the desire to live good is good
the desire to die evil is evil

the elder trains the younger by doing
and saying only when asked by those
who seek to understand
for speaking at all other times
is a waste of time
and serves only to idle away the time
and your life is your time
and who you are

i have learned this
to never shrink from evil
to possess the energy that is from the Lord

to recognize all forms of subtle abuse
and respond only in love
and gentleness
which is the highest dignity
and the highest calling
to operate from the standpoint of his dignity

i've learned to hold a good long stretch
and relax the mind and the soul

Friday, March 21, 2008

Coudda Done

that's all very nice
what you couldda done and been
sometimes its simply better to go with
what you got now
and what there's still time to do and be

Thinking Good and Thinking Bad ... The Key

be careful
when anybody asks you to stop thinking
stop expressing
stop wanting
stop believing
stop knowing
stop having
stop praying
stop saying
or to stop anything
the feels good or seems right to you
if it has the characteristics of
mutual consent
mutual benefit (win-win)
and mutual bonding on certain levels
leading to unity
whatever it takes
to bring these things about
are peaceful and good

what feels bad should be clear
it has the characteristics of
mutual dissent and hostility
mutual chaos and imbalance (win-lose)
and mutual separation on certain levels
tending toward divorce
whatever it takes
to bring these things about
are warlike and evil

the key to success
is to locate and associate with people
it feels good
to be around

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


democracy was never intended to be for all the people
it was intended to be for the citizens
and being a citizen had certain requirements
like loyal and full allegiance to the state in which a person lives
exercising moral integrity
living in a peaceful manner
paying taxes
and serving your country
should your country find your services needed

but there are many in the United States
who consider themselves citizens
who have no sense of allegiance to this country
manifest little if any moral integrity
live in an unpeaceful manner
avoid paying taxes
and refuse to serve this country
except in positions of authority control of government
to the effect that it benefits them
and their personal interests

they are making millions
from the good citizens of this nation
and harming the public good
while on the other end of the spectrum
many urban oriented college students
urban poor
and immigrants who never learn the language
are ignorant to these qualifications
and must be educated and trained

Healthy Play Sickly Work

expect to find health
in an area
that you play in
feel good about
and enjoy

expect to find sickness
in areas
that you work in
feel bad about
and despise

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I Love My Wife

i love my wife
she keeps me busy
she keeps me active
she keeps me from receding into myself

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Forcing The People of the United States to Pay

tyrants manufacture arms and equip armies
they inspire develop and create wars
which forces the people of the united states
to pay billions in taxes for military spending

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Everyone's Religion

everyone has a religion
even atheists
for those who would reject the idea of a spiritual god in heaven
are ultimately given over to the pagan gods
a seemingly natural social darwinism
when those gods are imposed upon entire nations
as in russia and china
they produce hell on earth and much death
those who stick to the god of heaven
produce much life

Monday, March 10, 2008

Lust For/Or Life

The drive to get or consume is lust.
The drive to give or release is life.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008


Iraq was fattened for the kill
same way Germany was
both were premeditated murders
planned and executed in Wall Street