
Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Poor Bank

it has just occurred to me
that banks have no money
they are simply administrators
hired to divy up everybody else's money
by that I mean China's, Germany's, Japan's and Canada's
so we American's, British and Dutch can own stuff

when the bank loans me money for a house
that money belongs to foreigners

but our banks hold the mortgage
which keeps us safe and sound

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Just Let It Go!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

My Boy Jack

what did four years in the trenches
of the first world war produce for England
where was the epitome of valor to be found?

did it form a man of the greatest personal courage and honor?
what did the highest levels of loyalty to one's mission
and utter devotion to one's countrymen
forged by intense sufferings and bitter toil of war cause
a hero?

our flag, his uniform, your coats of arms and whose heraldry?
how noble a thing, how admirable!
enter Adolf
and the play begins
the summation of the war to end all wars
the product of vain glory
the breeder of consumate hatred
the general father of all lies

it appears that dying is what your son Jack lived for

Friday, August 08, 2008

War and Fighting

at one time
when it was hand to hand
every male wanted to fight
and there was glory in it
but today where there are
carpet bombs land mines and germ warfare
no sane person wants to fight
only the psychotic
are being systematically butchered

Monday, August 04, 2008

Yo Family

its a hard thing to accept
when people in your family
that you love
dis you ...
but take courage
you won't be the first

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Beauty Lust and Consumption

societies that worship beauty
are driven by lust and consumption

the person is devalued
the looks are held in high esteem
and superficial, stamped out models rule the day

those who exhibit this mentality
are often limited by external appearances
attributing a false quality to surface structures
and losing touch with human values

Friday, August 01, 2008

Forgiveness and All War

the unwillingness to forgive
is the source of all war
those who refuse to forgive
are responsible for all war
whoever is unable to forgive
is in all senses rogue