
Thursday, November 27, 2008

The Alpha Null

It's time to start compiling the rubbish into book form.

Chapter I. The Allpha Nul
Three hundred generations since Adam and when I arrived what my family tree had accomplished in all that time was nothing. Nothing. Less than nothing. I arrived and what they told me was "Nobody ever gave me nothing. " I should have gotten the hint and then made it a study to observe and test the nothing hypothesis and see if I could derive a conclusion. Instead, I attempted to get something from nothing for many years until one day I decided to prime the nothing with something and start pumping for all my alpha-male energies were worth.

I guess that's the lesson here. It's all in the material dialectic. Mom was always into the material. Searching each little thread to see if one line was off somewhere and maybe worthy of a huge discount. Value you know ... vatican levels of value vested in the more mundane southern Sicilian sense of refinement expressed in the ubiquitous use of terms like "cazzo!" and "porca!" She meant well he said, but then he said he loved her. Try to tell him different. Try to say, Pop, it was more about porca than about amor. The vulgar has the kindest words to justify itself, the softest respect for its own interior madness. It jeers it jibes and shows affection considering itself warm. Any dumb cat will lick its kittens for heaven's sake. In brief, the toss up between material on the head, and God on the tail, when the nickel landed, my house was an anxiety disorder waiting to happen. My family was a hate crime full of love, good cheese and pasta. You were damned if you did and damned if you didn't have anything. You will embrace it and make it work to avoid the dissonance and one day, ten generations down the pike someone with your nose will look at himself in the mirror and say ... "Shoot, they left me nothing."

So that was the great legacy –the great inheritance I received upon my descent from the womb?

"Kid you're gonna have to make it on your own because nobody gives a shit about you!"

"Oh, Nice." I thought to myself. "Everybody's busting their asses to make money to pay the rent to buy food in boxes and pay for a bubble to ride to work in, and now I have to go out there –out into NewfuckingYork City and find a job with ten million other people in front of me? I was never that competitive. So I joined the army where they sent me to Viet Nam to make my life easier. I learned how to make my bed, shoot and clean a rifle, and wear condoms during fornication exercises. When I was released, I rolled on to college and thought about nothing but sex for the next five years. Got a modest share of it but nothing worth writing home about. I happened upon a series of delirious flower studded coeds who likewise had received goose egg from their family nest and thus we had "nothing" in common. I managed to pull out of each situation with the usual vulgar bang ups and sought to improve my thinking with courses in philosophy, mathematics and intellectual history developing an appetite for the erudite, the abstract and the ridiculous ad absurdum seasoned with pinches of alpha null stirred and simmered in the great nuospheric melting pot of elite consciousness. (Try telling
that to your cute young dental hygienist the next time your silent, bloody mouth is ajar for forty five minutes.)

I think it's that kind of rubbish that has kept us small for all those years. Success is way more practical. Even if you burn the heirlooms there's still the seeds of some pretty tasty tomatoes beneath the soil. Whereas from my plot, the weeds were worshiped as cures for the diseases that never should have been. Just steep this thistle in hot wine for five minutes and see if you can remain loyal to your kin long enough for each one to forget you to your face a dozen times and you will have arrived at the place of the alpha null. The realm that all common folk lust over, that all vulgar religions are devoted to, the place where significant individual meaninglessness is consumately pleasing to the poverty, chastity and obedience god an it's sub-deities.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Sun Earth Dynamics and Smoot's Parallax

the sun is alive
the earth is dead

Mr. Smoot stated during his "Design of the universe" lecture while discussing the complexities thereof: "... now we're in for some serious play, that is , we have to seriously play God, not just change peoples lives, but make the universe, right, so if that's your responsibility how are you going to do that?"

I am no astrophysicist but it is quite clear to me that anything as complex as the sun, which is responsible for the sustaining of life on earth is filled with intrinsic life energy and is organic. The earth, on the other hand, has no ability to sustain its own life structures and therefore would qualify an inorganic. An although we as human beings think that we are alive, comparatively, we are quite dead. For, if the sun were to disappear we would instantly evaporate into nothing. So, I think that it is safe to say that the sun is more alive than we are. Yet, we make such large boastful pronouncements about all that we think we know when all that we know points to how little we truly understand.

"We have to seriously play God, not just change lives" sounds like a judgmental statement intended to debunk the belief that changing lives is a limited function of a simplistic earth centered reality. I disagree. The universe clearly gives signs and seasons that if observed and understood change lives and changes phenomenon.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Give Life

live in the gift

Monday, November 10, 2008

Rational Mind and Feelings

keep your rational mind
fully tuned into what you are doing
and season it with good feelings
and this will bring great success to you

keep your feelings and emotions
fully tuned into what you are doing
and season it with evil thoughts
and this will bring you to utter ruin

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

How to Be Successful

Keep your word and show up. - Wildfeather