
Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Our Divine Hegemony

how wonderful
the united states
has finally conquered the world

did you ever wonder
what would have happened
if adolf hitler and the germans
had conquered the entire world

yes ... watch and see

because adolf hitler
was financed by fritz thyssen
huge steel interests
whose investments were managed
by avril harriman and prescot bush while
"The Rockefellers funded
the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Germany,
when eugenicists were preparing the way
ideologically for what eventually became
the world's most infamous slaughter,
the Nazi holocaust."
Oh Poop!

it was bloody
it was messy
it looked real bad back then
hideous horror n'all
but today instead of gassing people
and burying them in mass graves
that rot and stink
they have made it so
that the doctors lawyers and hospitals
can get rich in the process
and your own family
gets to give you a decent burial

new diseases were invented
to make certain people sick
in subtle and strange ways
depending upon the peculiarities
of your race color or even your creed
it all happens rather slowly nowadays
within select targeted group
over an extended period of time

my, my, things have gotten a mite
too far out of hand
and responsible people
are putting an end to it all
like unemployment,
why, they intend to get rid of the unemployed
the poor and the weak
whose immune system
will be so compromised
after years of oportunistic diseases
that they'll blame it on an epidemic
everyone will be expecting
when the fatal coup de gras is finally lunged
not to mention
all the vaccines you'll be forced to receive
otherwise the'll call you a terrorist

yup this is the new regime
the hegemonic state
and it's all gonna be us americans first again
like old times
people suffering all over
all wishing they could come over here
to escape
yep just like old times
yup just like old times


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