
Tuesday, May 30, 2006


i am often asked
how i got the name

i was named by a blackhawk indian

i feel an identity with the name because
i feel light as a feather
but my pen can get quite WILD

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Practice, and Staying in the Pink ...

... is the physical evidence
of a deeply philosophical mind.

Giving Blood

did you ever give blood?

i did


today nobody wants no dirty blood
blood has to be exceptionally pure
which means sexless blood

nobody wants stupid blood either
you just about have to pass and IQ test to donate

domestic nationalistic blood too is quite preferred
if you have done too much traveling
your blood is caputski

at one time military blood was good
no more
if you have been in any recent wars
your blood is now contaminated
they will eject you

i actually gave my blood yesterday
i feel important
important indeed

they gonna test my blood
to see if people in my neighborhood
fit the mold
of a sound fit Amerikan boy
they're gonna see
where the "good" blood is
and work extra hard at keeping the good blood
separated from the bad blood
no lying either
the blood tells the whole truth

at least that's how it seems

my advise:

the life you save may be your own
see if you can give blood
and get your cookie

Sunday, May 21, 2006

The Power of the Stretch


once i asked a friend
whose wife was a yoga instrichtor
hey jeff
do you stretch

he said
gotta ... everyday


yup everyday

i thought about this
i thought
how does he stretch everyday
that's odd

i was quite crumpled up at the time

today i realize that daily stretch
is a feeling of stretch
rather than some kind of exercise
the stretch is perceived in the mind as pleasure
as well as a benefit in the body
both go well in hand

lack of daily stretch
leads to stiffness and stubbornness everywhere
stiffness of mind
mental energy and well being requires constant shifting
i was stuck for quite a while
but today i feel much healthier and happier
because i learned how to feel the stretch
i look for new ways to stretch something
beside my pudenda
neck torso hams glutes
my music my words my thoughts
you name it
it all feels good
in the body
and in the mind
stretch dear reader
learn to stretch

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Secret of Getting Rid of Stuff

Creating Closure.

some years ago
i abandoned organized religion

although i loved the pomp and the pagentry
it seemed hypocritical and a mite queer
kneeling before the pudenda
of sexually repressed people
to be blessed
how odd

i abandoned as well
certain traditional family practices
i mistook my freedom and liberty
for a libertine attitude
which left me somewhat ill-equiped
to live wisely in a complex world

i had inadvertantly abandoned valuable closure practices as well

over time i would "get rid" of stuff
by turning off
getting offended
tossing it out
and sometimes in a harsh dismissing manner
rather than by properly completing something
or bringing healthy closure
to the situation

today that has changed ... >>> more

Monday, May 08, 2006

Educating ...

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Terrorism ...

" I intend to bite the girl in the next picture ... Gerrrrr!"

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Mind ...

... control.