
Sunday, May 21, 2006

The Power of the Stretch


once i asked a friend
whose wife was a yoga instrichtor
hey jeff
do you stretch

he said
gotta ... everyday


yup everyday

i thought about this
i thought
how does he stretch everyday
that's odd

i was quite crumpled up at the time

today i realize that daily stretch
is a feeling of stretch
rather than some kind of exercise
the stretch is perceived in the mind as pleasure
as well as a benefit in the body
both go well in hand

lack of daily stretch
leads to stiffness and stubbornness everywhere
stiffness of mind
mental energy and well being requires constant shifting
i was stuck for quite a while
but today i feel much healthier and happier
because i learned how to feel the stretch
i look for new ways to stretch something
beside my pudenda
neck torso hams glutes
my music my words my thoughts
you name it
it all feels good
in the body
and in the mind
stretch dear reader
learn to stretch


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