Freedom or ...

i live around old quiet money
i talk to people who are quite rich
who are highly educated astute
and who call the shots globally
this is what i hear
concerning the current state of affairs
in iraq and on the war on terror
the plan is quite simple
since terror fights on a psychological level
the current administration's plan is quite clear:
keep potentially harmful foreigners out of the united states
by detaining anyone who is suspected
of being a terrorist
one's affiliations gives that away
you gonna even think of stepping foot in an airport
if your buds are dirty?
is a frightening word
but even more terrifying
is the word
especially when "torture" and "forever" are key factors
and no other options
together they provide the psychological impetus
which speaks of "hell" and is the route provided
for anyone who thinks that hurting anyone
is the the quickest rout to Allah
this will cause anyone affiliated with any terrorist group
to pause and consider first how much they love God
but this is nothing new
crucifixion is the ancient model
which the catholic church
has driven deep into the subconscious minds of millions
since that day
by strategic intention
the media coverage of the situations like maher arar "
and other "innocent mistakes"
play an vital role in creating
the necessary eye opening pr about how unfair our system is
shame on us
but this is intended to tighten the screen on the sieve
the message is simple:
if we catch you buddy
there is no way out
it appears quite clear to me now
that it is in the sober interest of the present administration
to fight the war on terror
by instilling even greater terror in the minds of terrorists
and anyone else who might consider becoming one
the sleaziest degree of hatred i have found
is among americans who hate this country with a vengeance
and would stop at nothing to bring it down
we usually find them clustered around university towns
they preach a gospel of love and kindness toward foreigners in other lands
but in their atheistic and bolshevik views
often show little love and regard to their own next door neighbors
their talk is vain often amounting to divisiveness and disunity
many of this sort have a history
of supporting hostilities against the people of this country
enamored as they are
with everyone else's culture, food and religious practices
there are a multitude of expatriots living here
whose families are suffering in foreign lands
since blood is thicker than water
these citizens are vulnerable
to being persuaded to engage in hostilities against this country
for the sake of vengeance
which their cultures support and honor
often enacted on a personal level
without formal indictment, trail, witnesses, jury, or a neutral magistrate
especially in connection to the abuse of women and children
these practices are fundamentally ingrained in many americans today as well
it appears that the president and his staff are unwilling
to permit the wealth derived from natural resources
to be used improperly to support further hostilities against the US anywhere
through terrorist networks and sophisticated emerging technologies
it would seem to be the responsibility expected of them
to manage those resources
so that the right persons are empowered
and the wrong persons are to put it nicely
... depowered
it wishes to install instead
governing bodies which would implement the same standards of freedom
we all share here in the united states
how wonderful
how magnanimous
which are:
the right to vote
and other civil rights
free access to education
liberation for women
decent medical and health related services
job training and security
and opportunities for everyone without discrimination
the only drawback i can see with these "folks"
is that they intend to fully accomplish these goals
even if it they have to exterminate
a third of the existing world population
through wars, biologicals and starvation
as their parents did in russia and europe
in order to perpetuate their vicious hell on earth
for many generations to come
even if it comes to genocide
both abroad and at home
where do we stand
now that the shackles
have been tightly secured
around our ourstretched wrists
and what do anybody's freedom become
during this ugly and unsavory process?
but those who possess true freedom
possess it spiritually through
faith hope and love
and thing can hinder that
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