Right and Wrong

an instructor moving in the direction of shadow yoga
told me recently
that she didn't believe in right and wrong
i agree —there's more than black and white judgements
to believe in
is it right or wrong to abuse children
is it right or wrong to permit rapest and murders to roam the streets
is it right or wrong to take advantage of old people and the disabled
is it right or wrong to act inhumanely for personal gain or pleasure
does that depend if you are a soldier acting in behalf
of the interests of your country?
the Genesis writings state
that the Supreme Being spoke to Moses
it states that he told Moses that his name means "Who I Am"
he said that he is author of, and authority over all life
and that he created man in his own image and likeness
"Who I Am" created Adam in the image and likeness of "Who I Am"
Adam means "clay"
Adam possessed divine life
being the exact image of "Who I Am" his Creator
"Who I Am" is one
and yet represents three characteristics:
"Who I Am" is "Unique Person" —"Who"
all other life forms as "that"
"Who I Am" has "True Identity" —"I"
"Who I Am" is "Alive Being" —"Am"
literally in the Hebrew —"am becoming"
the record states that
the human being knows "Who I Am"
"Who I Am" is the basis and source of our consciousness
[that makes sense]
Adam and Eve were with "Who I Am"
and all other life forms
in peace and harmony
which was considered "good"
death was "evil"
God told them to avoid death
he said that taking the fruit of a certain tree was evil
and would bring death
man was created by God to be happy in life
beguiled by the serpent after the fall of the woman
Adam chose to possess the knowledge of evil
and believed the lie which was
"surely you shall not die"
still "in the garden"
his consciousness and conscience
became fragmented and corrupted
when he chose to know evil and death
he was naked and ashamed
he was driven from the garden
into a world which would become a madhouse of
wild traumatic explorations in evil
to this very day
yet God promised to restore those who believe
to goodness
those who wanted goodness
or Godness
and would live righteous and good lives
rather than evil and unrighteous lives
the Good Lord said that he would remain with mankind
and spoke to many since that day
many of their words have been recorded
and they all bear the same witness of this truth
he promised to send a savior into the world
who would represent the fullness of the goodness of "Who I Am" in physical form
he came to earth two thousand years ago
to restore mankind to "Who I Am"
the message of his life and work has been called
the good news
it is good for an important reason
he succeeded in accomplishing that task
and proved it by resurrecting from the dead
and all who believe in him
come to know "Who I Am" spiritually
later we too will resurrect and know and be known bodily
reincarnation is something else
that is for all those who choose to believe
that they come from baboons
and the basis for what they consider human
is strictly physical
i think all other so called gods and goddesses and mythologies are false
they come from the descendents Adam and Eve
like Raama and Shiva sons of Cush
who enbraced the knowledge of good and evil
and encorporated the curse
a cognitive dissonance of sorts
along with many of the blessing of God's provisions for all people
this is why certain cultures seem often pleasant and appealing
to the visitor
but would you trade the blessings of freedom to live there
indeed many do as they continue to incorporate their beliefs
into their lives
their teachings are unauthorized
and have little to do with humanity or "Who I Am"
little to do with Unique Person, True Identity and Alive Being
those who follow these teachings and practices
are in error and will remain confused concerning "Who I Am"
no matter how evolved they claim their consciousness has become
these are deluded spirits who have little interest in knowing
the One God whose name means "Who I Am"
yet they speak of one god
who is in effect an impersonal force
and promotes a similar void or system
de-void of life
yet claiming to be alive
in some etherial distant form of existence
my question to those who embrace such notions is
what do you have here and now?
these words are indeed true
for they point to an historically realiable and authoritative basis
for what is right or righteousness
the actual Hebrew name for "Jesus"
means "Who I Am" is Salvation
Yeshua's words and works
verified the claim of Yahweh [Who I Am]
as being the author of life
and recorded in the writings of Matthew Mark
Luke John Peter Paul and James
Yeshua healed the sick
gave sight to the blind
cleansed the leper
and raised the dead
all his acts were authoritative
righteous and true
he is therefore referred to as the Lord?
those who disbelieve in right and wrong
make an indirect admission
that they have no belief in God
or in God's authorship and authority
they discounted and discredited Christ
because he came to us in human form
like Adam the first human
because they love to engage in acts which degrade humanity
being hypocrites claiming to be supporters of humanity
when in reality they hate humanity
and their murderous deeds prove this point
those who embrace such a strong disbelief
consider themselves athiests
lenis, stalin, and mao are good examples of people
who disbelieved the idea of right and wrong
their works supported their disbelief
and so they felt justified in
destroying hundreds of millions of human beings
after creating secure governmental legislation for their criminal activities
their works were full of darkness
gandhi, martin luther king and mother theresa of calcutta
are good examples of people
who believed in right and wrong
likewise their deeds supported their beliefs
their teaching will stand forever as full of light
notice how the phrase "Who I Am"
fits and might apply to all people
we were given the priviledge of knowing ourselves
each one was created for the purpose of saying "I know who I am"
but many people are lost and saddened
if anyone reading this post is unsure
and has difficulty saying with full conviction, "I know who I am"
it is because we are separated from "Who I Am"
we have been divided from God and self
that separation in known as sin
sin implies a deeply fragmented soul
some say a soul that is lost
if this description fits you the reader
I am pleased to say that in my understanding
it is possible to be restored to the knowledge of "Who I Am"
and thus come into full awareness of ones humanity
simply through an act of faith
consider who Yeshua is
admit one's fragmented condition
be willing to turn from one's sins
and seek after righteousness
and ask Yeshua to come into one's life
let this be your prayer
if you have prayed this prayer
I pray that you will know "Who I Am" is with you
and you will be able to say for sure
"I know who I am"
this reading may seem to have been an interesting play on words
who is this "Who I Am" referring to ... God, me or you?
reread this writing asking this very question
and see if you hear an answer in your heart
I say truly you will have heard the truth
long before you complete your second reading
hear this: the will of the Creator
that all should know him
and Yeshua the special one
he has sent to save us
many people think that the discussion of God
and spiritual things, theology, etc. is religion
and for the most part it is
this however has nothing to do with a religion
or any religion
this teaching is a spiritual teaching
and it transcends religion
it relates to love life and truth
seek your answers to your lifes questions
from above
and I guarantee you will find your answers
may God be with you
and with your spirit
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