
Monday, January 29, 2007

Serious Danger Out of the East

if you look like this person
western philosophy says
that your health is seriously in danger

i believe that people who look like this
are never associated with the pre junk food poor
but with the rich
who profit by the labors of the exploited masses
setting up vain images
which they force the common people to worship
conditioning their subconscious minds
in order to avoid rebellion

some people i know
are saying that they no longer believe
in the philosophy of the west
and are abandoning their faith in it
while conscientiously embracing zen Buddhism

i think this is unfortunate
while still living in the west
and surrounded by a plethora of western philosophy

i believe that western civilizations
without question
have given the world
the greatest advancements for all of mankind
in virtually all areas of human endeavor

when i want to romanticize
the simplicity of rural life
i go to to a little farm village
and stay a while
relax and enjoy the pastures and ravens

could i live there forever
i would get bored
an if i attempted to expand anyone's thinking
beyond the rural beliefs and norms
i would be quickly ostracized

i think that eastern philosophy
which has it's foundation
in the governing class of the east
has little interest in supporting the concept of "person"
or personal freedom for all
but maintains class and strengthens inequality
of an elitist society
the highlight of western thinking
is that it strives to honor the uniqueness
identity and physical being of the individual
extending to all people regardless of class

Aristotle Plato and Christ
as far as i am concerned
do a much better job at applying teachings
of a universal value
resulting in happiness and prosperity
which is fundamental for a thriving civilization

Monday, January 22, 2007

Mind Body Pleasures and Pains

what takes place in the mind
echoes into the body
and what takes place in the body
echoes into the mind


a wise person
will promote and persist in feeling good
in healthy pains
which are in fact pleasures

only a foolish person
will promote and persist in feeling bad
in unhealthy pleasures
which are in fact pains

- Jeseppi Trade Wildfeather

Monday, January 15, 2007

Control and Government: When Men Lose Control

she loves to show her gorgeous body
and knows exactly what she is doing
so what's the big deal
and what are certain people so afraid of
and why are they so offended by her nakedness ?

mature and intelligent people are aware
that she has the ability
to exercise a controlling power over the male through sex
to such a degree that he loses control of over himself

the natural urge to copulate to continue the human race
is a powerful driving force within each virile male
and when it becomes a weakness instead of a strength
it controls the male's thinking
and his lifestyle supporting elements
go out of balance
his strength becomes debilitated
and his life becomes dysfunctional

when males lose control of themselves
and their lives go out of balance
as they degenerate into certain predictable behaviour patterns
being easily manipulated
they abandon and dishonor their own inner voice
and human sense of intelligence justice and freedom
becomes distorted
they dishonor their parents from whom they came into existence
they kill and murder others
they commit adultery with justifiable ease
they lie and steal as if it were a viable means for success
they bear false witness against their neighbors for supremacy
they lust after other people's goods
they lust after other men's wives
males do these things
when they lose control of themselves

therefore any intention to manipulate the mind body or soul of the male
to cause him to lose control of himself for any purpose
is offensive

causing a male to lose control of himself
by manipulating him psychologically
through his natural instincts his subconscious mind
and his involuntary motor response mechanisms
is easily and effortlessly accomplished through sex
most males are vulnerable in this area
when males continually lose control of their thinking
and their mentality becomes limited to the impulses of their natural instincts
their thinking on a higher rational order becomes mitigated
and the lower mentality of irrational conditioned responses
which resemble the responses of irrational animals
produce an inhuman and perverted state in males
misdirected from from the natural exercise
of their intellect and will

this was the common condition that the Hebrews found
among the Egyptians Palestinian and Canaanite people
thirty five hundred years ago
moses was the first person to identify and articulate
the irrationality of the severe condition they found
and establish civil code to countermand it
while imposing order on his own people
as well as he people of the land
when the males lost control of themselves
and began to resemble animals
that prey upon and destroy other lives

a male must maintain control over his own life
by being in control of his own sexual energy
through knowledge wisdom and self awareness
and will avoid being manipulated sexually

he will dwell in the stature of a long term monogamous relationship with a partner
in order to nurture a uniquely gracious intimacy
which derives from inner health freedom and beauty
and exhibits the profound and majestic elegance of a loving unity
this gives honor and glory to the Supreme Being and Mankind
and expands peace and order

losing control of oneself reduces into chaos and destruction

it is necessary and important therefore
that those men who control themselves
continually provide leadership and stewardship
over the material benefits shared by others who are in control
so that the highest and most productive
form of government may reign supreme throughout mankind

those males who lose control
and refuse to acknowledge and receive correction
concerning that state of being
typically refuse to acknowledge or assume responsibility
for what they cause being out of control
while seeking to impose their condition on others
believing they have a protected right to do so
such individuals are reprobate
and must be restrained when they act
in an offensive and criminal manner

for this reason rational and balanced males who exhibit control over their own lives
address the males who have lost control
and bring them under control

Jeseppi Trade Wildfeather

Thursday, January 11, 2007

The Difference Between Love and Hate

Those who are truly righteous and who love are clearly are known to be:


such persons:

give - forgive
govern justly

they are:


This is love

Those who are truly unrighteous and who hate are clearly
known to be:

nemical - hostile
get - forget
enslave - manipulate
depower - weaken
governs unjustly
off balance

they are:


This is hatred

Monday, January 08, 2007

Open Connected and Vulnerable

the secret of happiness
is to remain open
connected and vulnerable

those who are closed
isolated and protected
live miserably alone

being open means permitting others to see inside ones deeper feelings
being connected means being in intimate association with others
being vulnerable means unlikely to take offense of take on an insult

superficiality is a sign of closedness
solitude is a sign of isolation
and criticism and defensiveness is a sign of being protected

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Present Forever

our present
is the only forever
we will ever know