
Monday, January 29, 2007

Serious Danger Out of the East

if you look like this person
western philosophy says
that your health is seriously in danger

i believe that people who look like this
are never associated with the pre junk food poor
but with the rich
who profit by the labors of the exploited masses
setting up vain images
which they force the common people to worship
conditioning their subconscious minds
in order to avoid rebellion

some people i know
are saying that they no longer believe
in the philosophy of the west
and are abandoning their faith in it
while conscientiously embracing zen Buddhism

i think this is unfortunate
while still living in the west
and surrounded by a plethora of western philosophy

i believe that western civilizations
without question
have given the world
the greatest advancements for all of mankind
in virtually all areas of human endeavor

when i want to romanticize
the simplicity of rural life
i go to to a little farm village
and stay a while
relax and enjoy the pastures and ravens

could i live there forever
i would get bored
an if i attempted to expand anyone's thinking
beyond the rural beliefs and norms
i would be quickly ostracized

i think that eastern philosophy
which has it's foundation
in the governing class of the east
has little interest in supporting the concept of "person"
or personal freedom for all
but maintains class and strengthens inequality
of an elitist society
the highlight of western thinking
is that it strives to honor the uniqueness
identity and physical being of the individual
extending to all people regardless of class

Aristotle Plato and Christ
as far as i am concerned
do a much better job at applying teachings
of a universal value
resulting in happiness and prosperity
which is fundamental for a thriving civilization


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