
Thursday, July 12, 2007

Further Study on Open and Closed

i have learned that an open, connected, vulnerable and intimate state of being
results in deep personal liberation and tendencies toward honor
a quiet but virtual heaven in one's own accessible soul
it worships love and the raising up of others
finding security in faith, hope and love
the kindest of all overlords

on the other hand

i have learned that a closed, disconnected, protected and distant state of being
results in deep personal obsession, perversion and tendencies toward personal shame and guilt
a quiet but virtual hell in one's own isolated soul
it worships hatred and belittling others
finding a false security in money, power, cynicism and doubt
the cruelest of all the overlords

i know that
being open or closed
is a function of each person's own intellect and will
independent of parentage, training, education, race, color, creed or gender

i believe that every person sees himself
as right in his own eyes
but whether a person is open or closed
is determined by the friends and relationships one enjoys

certain things would appear inconsistent
for how can one say he is open and isolated at the same time
or how can one be closed while being honored continually by many friends
and yet there may be times for privacy and solitude among the open
and times for publicity and honor among the closed

i believe we have been given but one life
and it is in this life that we will determine
where we spend eternity
for our consciousness
is our eternity


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