
Thursday, August 09, 2007

Peace Order and Armageddon

peace and order
... how does one secure it

if someone is brutally beating up his girlfriend
you call the police
if someone has kidnapped a child
you call the police
if someone is destroying your property or stealing it
you call the police
if someone is selling drugs on the corner
you call the police

who do you call
when someone blows up the restaurant you are eating in
who do you call
when someone hijacks the plane you are travelling in
who do you call
when someone blows up the bus you are riding in
who do you call
when someone blows up the building you are working in

when it becomes necessary to restrain an entire people
to secure peace and order
a police state has arrived

when it becomes necessary to restrain the entire world
to secure peace and order
the anti-christ will arrive
(in full accordance of the aquarian conspiracy probably as the fifth buddha, or matraya, who knows)
with a plan for world peace
and a necessary but peaceful mass genocide
which will rid the world of all backward "religious folk"
and the whole world will worship only one person
as each is stamped, labeled or computer-chipped
in order to distinguish them from the politically incorrect infidels
(believe me i know about these things living in Berkeley for more than ten years)
"666" representing numerically the systems of man
repeating itself irrationally without resolution
prophesy claims that from his entry
after three and one half years
a huge battle will take place in israel
on the mountain of meggido
near nazareth
otherwise called armageddon
at that time
the glorified Christ
who lived, died and rose from the dead
strictly by the power of his love of life and truth
will appear and secure freedom and life
for all who believe likewise
and have chosen to follow a course of peace, kindness
and brotherly love even unto martyrdom
"blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven"
for indeed the first city of the nation of israel
jerusalem, which means the "city of peace",
has set a precedent
that will endure until the end of time

This site, according to Revelations, is where the final
battle will be between the forces of good and evil.
The name may originate from the Hebrew name
"mountain of Megiddo".


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