
Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Where God Is

God is found in love joy peace
patience gentleness kindness
meekness faith and self control
and in what is open connected vulnerable and intimate
and is in Heaven

but that which is closed disconnected protective and distant
in pride avarice envy
jealousy lust sloth and intemperance
is in or on its way to Hell

we choose our destiny
that is plain to see
but there are some
who seeing their state of misery
cry out Abba Father save me
and many who cry out are rescued
from the very jaws of damnation
I know and have heard others proclaim
that if anyone call upon the name of Jesus
that person will we saved
I have seen this
I have seen those on their way to Hell
change their minds
bankrupt of any righteousness
and receive the loving embrace of God
and a new life
yes I have seen these things
there is no mystery to me
I know where God lives
there are many gods or goddesses
where are they
and where do they come from
and where do those who worship them go


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