
Thursday, May 29, 2008

No Harm Done

whenever a cunning abuser
sends you any weak or foul energy
like the bums rush
or anything else in a negative tone
facial expression or attitude
that might typically leave one feeling somewhat abased
and then later on says
"Sorry, Joe, I was in such a rush, I didn't mean to be so short."

... you know what I say? ... I say,

"Yes, I felt momentarily put off, but no harm done
... I never let other people's stress affect me, I have enough of my own."

[by stating your feelings honestly
you have just "given of yourself"
in a calm and sensitive manner
in so doing you manifest
a much higher state of being
and a more magnanimous spirit
than what you received
commanding for yourself
via this challenging encounter
the respect and honor due you
believe me
the next time
this person will consider you worthy
of more dignified treatment ...
... my dear old auntie used to say ...
"Young people must demand their respect,
but older people must earn it."]

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Bondage & Liberty

freemen will never secumb to slavery
but maintain large armies of slaves
in order to secure their own bondage to liberty

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Single Alone Males Need for a Secretary

if you are a single male
you had better have a secretary
for "it is not good for man to be alone"

this is a true saying

this union may take place in many forms

a relationship with a secretary
may be through a committed partnership
as in marriage
it can be a close friend with whom you trust, confide
and bounce things off of
it could be people that you hire such as an attorney
or an accountant or a business consultant

the qualities of your secretary must be these

this person must be honest, diligent and bright
unwilling to take advantage of your flaws of show disloyalty
by blabbing them around town
this person must be compensated with a deep pleasurable, respectful and loyal friendship
on your part
continued gifts when appropriate
continued praise and recognition
deep regard for this person's needs
and a complete understanding of what will be of benefit
and what you must to to bring benefit
into this person's life

if you are a married male
it may be unrealistic to assume that your mate
will have all these characteristics

therefore why be limited

find someone else to fulfill the duties of secretary
and begin growing

here is an idea of what a good secretary will do according to the Society for Corporate Secretaries and Governance Professionals.

"Several years ago, the leadership of the Society came up with a list of personal and professional attributes of a successful Corporate Secretary. Among these "core competencies" are: understanding the company's business thoroughly; having a basic knowledge of corporate and securities law; demonstrating a "presence" and being able to back it up with solid communication skills; being sensitive and intuitive to what the CEO and directors are thinking and feeling; being able to read signals on the horizon and provide early warning to management; being able to mediate and achieve consensus; knowing how to overcome bureaucratic thinking in the company; being detail-oriented; being flexible and creative; and, finally, maintaining a sense of humor and balance no matter how pressured a situation."

Briefly stated these are the areas of skill:

  1. - presence
  2. - solid communication skills
  3. - being sensitive and intuitive to what superiors are thinking and feeling
  4. - being able to read signals on the horizon
  5. - provide early warning to management
  6. - being able to mediate and achieve consensus
  7. - knowing how to overcome bureaucratic thinking
  8. - being detailed-oriented
  9. - being flexible and creative
  10. - maintaining a sense of humor and balance under pressure

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Cognitive Dissonance

cognitive dissonance
is justifying what we do
so that we can stomach
our own existance

Saturday, May 03, 2008

A Prayer for the Kohanim

of all the people who ever lived
no one has suffered the trauma
of the fall of man corporately
as the kohanim
this priestly sect of levites
within the realm of judaism
manifests a direct and documented bloodline
name by namne
to adam and eve
indeed the ancient writings known as genesis
is supported through the table of nations and languages
it is my belief that they carry the greatest suffering of heart
and the deep awareness of the utter loss of peace
therefore their great patriarch shem
whom many believe to be melchisedek
was known as the king of salem
the city that was later to be known as jerusalem
the city of peace
they were the first people in recorded history
to establish peace as their vision
and their belief in one god as their passion
through their uplifted eyes and ears
the world has received the message
that we are human beings
modeled after the very nature
of our creator
if believe that they were sent
the kindest and most loving ambassadors
withing their realm to remind them of god's love for them
and jeshua or joshuah
whose name means
yahweh is salvation
to comfort them and bring them relief
all those who understand and receive his message
live in the state of shalom, peace which is beyond description

may god's loving hand continue to uplift them
wherever they may be throughout the world
and continue to comfort them on their long journey home
and may they continue to wrap their loving arms
around that word of truth
which they have so faithfully transmitted to us all
until the day of their redemption

may the peace of the lord
be with the true spiritual israel of his calling
scattered throughout the earth

Friday, May 02, 2008

"To Be or Not to Be"

when hypocrisy in society
reaches such a level
that we the people begin electing professional actors
to write our government
then it is time to take a closer look
at who is running the script