
Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Benign Penetration vs. Hostile Penetration

relationship dynamics

you've gotta take away that pain
and the tension associated with it
and she'll open up for you

if you force her to feel pain
the tension will increase
and she will remain closed

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Heaven Hell and Purgatory

people who are in heaven
are always blessing and praising what they find right

people who are in hell
are forever cursing and condemning what what they find wrong

the people in purgatory
are moving toward blessing and praising

listen to those who say there is no such thing as heaven and hell
and you tell me where they are

Monday, June 23, 2008

The Difference Between Business, Politics and Good Government

Did you know the difference between business and politics?

When business governs politics the land, labor and capital (economy) produce assets and earnings.
When politics govern business the land, labor and capital produce deficits and taxation.

It is wise for one to decide on which side of this equation one wishes to abide.

Whose side are you on?

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Get Anything You Want

you can get anything you want
if you know what you want
if you have a plan
and if you believe you can and will obtain it
it is easy to get what you want
if you are honest, gentle and use no force
if you are deceptive, harsh and use force
you will never get what you want
for your lies, cruelty and coerrsion
will have robbed you of your goal
along the way to obtain it

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Economy: Too Much Weight?

you may have a perfectly sound row boat
but if there is too much weight on one side of it
your perfectly strong boat may tip over
and sink
same with anything else
like the strong economy

the liquidity must always be under the strong row boat
it would be a bear
if it were inside astern

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Consumer Gobler

The image puts forth an idea.

Are you a consumer?
No, I'm a gobbler.
I am repeatedly told that I am a consumer.
But, I am uninterested in being a consumer simply because I like to gobble.
True gobblers are free to gobble.
Consumers have no freedom.
because that is who and what they think they are.
Who tells me the I am a consumer.
And, why is that what I think of myself?
I say that I am a consumer because being a consumer is what I have been trained to believe, think and do.
Now, those who have trained us to be consumers also trained the Soviets to believe that that they are or were Communists.
Have things changed for them, are they being told now that they have been liberated and must become the new consumers along with the Chinese?
And how about us here in America, are we to we being consumers, and if so what will we be be referred to and call ourselves now after we have renounced our dependence upon and enslavement to consuming?

Are we now to be sustainers.
And, if so, what shall we sustain?
Are we being developed to sustain being consumers. Certainly, if we sustain being consumers China, who is the grand generator and producer of stuff will shortly follow suit becoming a nation of three billion consumers. Imagaine?
Are we to sustain our consuming for ever and ever
so some can sustain being rich forever and others poor forever.

Consumer ? In that I am previously called a husbandman and a caretaker, and my best talents are in stewarding the abundant living resources that generate and produce life energy from the good earth, that the God of Grace and Love has provided for me. Then yes, I may begin to view myself as a Sustainer of those precious resources. For, God alone is the Sustainer of Life.

Bear in mind that there is nothing wrong with open markets and free exchange.
The problems have been in the past with closed markets and taxed exchange.
Where there is openness and freedom there is balance. —Jeseppi Trade Wildfeather

Monday, June 16, 2008

Blessings Are for Those Who Give

those who willingly give of themselves
are always receiving blessings
their lives are abundantly filled

those who greedily seek to get things from others
often find themselves taking offense
since their lives fully lacking

Friday, June 06, 2008

The Language of Success and Failure

get rid of the language of failure
and only success will appear

get rid of the language of success
and only failure will appear

the language of failure revolves around the word "not"
including all the contractions: don't, won't, can't, etc.

get rid of these words and watch what happens
"not' is abstract negation which acts as a filter
through which we view our lives and the world we live in
untie the "not" and we untie our lives from the language of failure
it's a way of seeing things

Monday, June 02, 2008

Thoughts on Iran

weaker nations that must be governed by the stronger
are always given opportunities to submit peacefully first
and are always encouraged to willingly
implement the necessary programs
to appease the requests of the governing nation
the odds are that it might work out better that way for everyone
in the end

refusal to submit diplomatically
results invariably in the use of physical force
in which the stronger nations makes a killing on many levels

when in history has it ever been different

Iran has being given a great deal of time to come into accord
with a global order of commerce and international affairs
if they do right by their god and moral sensitivities
they have nothing to fear and nothing to lose
no one says they must ever eat a single McDonalds hamburger
or read a playboy magazine
the reason why they reject the West I think
is because their leaders are unwilling to relinquish control
over the minds and souls of the Iranian people