
Thursday, July 10, 2008

Message to Iran: Rugs and Shisha


if your philosophy
and knowledge
is so great
then what is there to be afraid of

in my view
your leaders
would just as soon
see the Iranian people destroyed
than to permit them so much as a minute of freedom

slaves have no business with weapons
especially weapons of mass destruction
under these circumstances
the Iranian nation will be governed
by those with a superior philosophy

for heaven's sake
the Iranians invented trade, medicine,
literature, money and the worlds most prized and collectible wealth
who would deny them the opportunity
to engage in fellowship with the rest of the world
in a free and open market
they are incredible business people
they have so much to offer everyone
their leaders castrate them
those who dominate their own gifted people
lest they should emerge as formidable
it is unnecessary that they use nuclear power to achieve this
no one else has
it is all going back to handmade rugs and shisha anyhow
they must be permitted to produce many other high quality products
and they would prosper especially today
because value is highly in demand


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