
Saturday, January 31, 2009

Rockefeller's Wisdom

"I believe that government is the servant of the people and not their master...that the world owes no man a living, but that it owes every man an opportunity to make a living...that thrift is essential to well-ordered living and that economy is a prime requisite of a sound financial structure, whether in government, business or personal affairs...that character -- not wealth or power or position -- is of supreme worth...that right can and will triumph over might." _John D. Rockefeller

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Welcome, Mr. President!


Mr. President,

We are the "United States". Our united states will continue undisturbed.

Congratulations, Sir!

Warm regards,

Jeseppi Trade Wildfeather

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A Few Short Ones

variety is the spice of wife


blood in the urine –I walk
blood in the stool –I run


an ounce of grandma's chicken soup
is worth a pound of cure


the good die young for goodness sake!


the same forces that drive lovers together
drive them apart


"She is so beautiful!" generally means the subconscious is now tapped
and hypnotism has occurred.


A wealthy man old once told me "you have to know what brings in the beans".
And, "Beans" I said, is what he will have at the end of his life.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Arabs and Jews: Permanent vs, Wandering

How does a wondering Jew understand the feelings of a permanent Palestinian?

Thursday, January 01, 2009


life transcends feelings

Life Forms

love, life and truth
is the natural instinct of higher life forms
hatred, death and lies
is of the lower


blessings are a function of the body
more than the mouth
unless you are God
or you have the authority
to speak them into existence

Jerusalem: Wildfeather's New Year Message for 2009

Jerusalem, the city of peace, is the first City worthy of note in history and the eternal city. The stone which commemorate peace and establishes the criterion for the sustaining of the first and most time honored nobility or peace was set in Golgotha.

The people who founded this city constituted the first and most relevant nobility of mankind. They became later known as Israel.

This nobility which obliges itself to peace on all levels.

The highest wisdom deriving from Jerusalem believed and taught in their writings for many generations that the administration of justice should have no fallout on the innocent. The Lord Jesus Christ, a Judean, was the most noted person in history from Israel to fully embrace this belief in practice by his own death on the cross thus establishing the true nobility of Jerusalem and Israel on earth and Kingdom of the one true God in Heaven. For this reason the Lord Jesus Christ is known as the King of King and Lord of Lords. Those who love peace honor understand this message.

Justice is never achieved by retaliation but by creative love. If Israel took the money it just spent to retaliate in Gaza and used it to build schools and hospitals in Gaza it would be acting in justice. If Israel took the money it uses to support standing armies and used it to provide farm machinery and agricultural aid to feed the hungry it would be righteous and do justice. If Israel returned love for hatred, kindness for cruelty, and peace for war it would be acting in the truest legacy of the founders of Jerusalem.
If Israel said, "Every time you lob a rocket as us we are going to take that money we would normally spend to decimate you and we are going to find some unfortunate widow and child and love on them and teach you the wisdom of peace by building them a new place to live with running water and a decent stove." But, no Israel, as all other nations feels that it is better to retaliate with violence. Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King have proven to the world that if you love your enemies as Christ taught you will defeat them more decisively and win a victory based upon the creative love of God rather than the destructive hatred of the devil. But, to this argument many will say, "What are you crazy? Love your enemies ... how ridiculous how Christian! We should kill the violent bastards, and will more violently than they do to us! Such people feel that such magnanimity toward their enemies indicates weakness. But wisdom has already proven to the world that such magnanimity can only come from an authority which is higher than us all and it takes the faith of Abraham and Moses to engage others on that higher level. Therefore, since it is lower politics and diplomacy which Israel it is from the baser levels they will receive their rewards.

So long as Israel rejects the chosen one who was sent by God to embody this message Israel lives in continued estrangement from their God and is bound and destined to use means to deal with their enemies which derive from Social Darwinism rather that from the power of their unseen God whose word they venerate and meticulously copy with jot and tittle accuracy and have since Moses. Indeed the faith of Moses will part seas, move mountains and establish a straight path for truth and justice in the land. So long as Israel chooses violent means to respond to it's enemies the great legacy of Melchizedek the King of Salem will be withheld from them. For, Abraham who succumbed to violence paid tribute to the Priest of Salem regarding his lordship and wisdom as venerable and supreme. For this reason the greeting, "Shalom - Salam" sets the foundation for all human interaction. I believe that the example of Peace having been established in Jerusalem will one day be reestablished in the final return of the Messiah of Israel. And on that day the remnant who awaits his coming will rejoice who have since the beginning understood these things.