
Monday, July 28, 2008

If You Only Knew

if you only knew
the immense wealth that is available to you
in you spirit ...
... but the STINKING world
yet, the "stinking" world
that only knows envy, lust, avarice, hatred, greed and all the rest
leads you to believe that you are broke

but, i tell you that you have immense wealth inside of you
at your fingertips
and if you have love
you will discover it

The Inevitable

many people prefer to refer to the inevitable as
"when you die"

i prefer to relate to the inevitable as
"when you live"

yes, dying is a natural thing
but, living is supernatural
and those who prefer to live will simply pass over
from life to life
the Lord Jesus
whose name many profane
is the only person i know of
who spoke of eternal life
but those who love death
are uninterested in listening
therefore they bring death with them wherever they go
but those who love life
will find it and lead others to it

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Daffodils ...

God is love
and God is life
all else is bogus

Monday, July 14, 2008

Respect Peace and Happiness

I recently facilitated a conversation and & communications workshop in a small rural town in Upstate New York entitled, "How to Be Well Liked and Have Good Friends." Five older women from the town attended and it lasted for eight weeks. I learned something quite important by time this course had ended. I believe the wisdom of my participants has inspired me to write the following thoughts:

In order to have peace we must first learn to respect one another. Agreement, acceptance and honor are secondary. Respect means acknowledging and validating another's person, wishes and expressions. Agreeing, accepting, and honoring may follow mutual respect. This establishes the clear and open connection necessary for communication without which no meaningful or productive relationship exists. Only after mutually acknowledging the person, wishes and expressions of another can a productive communication exist. Respectful disagreement, rejecting, and dishonoring is necessary at times in order for relationships to grow. As individuals engage in rational and reasonable exchanges the relationship becomes more functional, directed and productive. The greater wisdom however is exhibited in the suitable manner in which one expresses disagreement, rejection and dishonoring of another’s idea, more than in the profound and eloquent display of one’s own idea. This is good judgment, and should always be preferred. For if a good idea is poorly presented and ill received of what value is it to anyone? Since it is through the understanding of mutual person, wishes and expressions that continuous cooperation may happily exist which enables many joyous possibilities to flow out of peaceful interpersonal relationships. Love life and truth.


Saturday, July 12, 2008

Lying To Yourself

you have heard it said
"you can lie to others ...
but, your can't lie to yourself."


most people lie to themselves all the time
living in their fantasies and irrational stories
how many people do you know
whom you have tried for years
to convince of a certain truth
a truth as sure as the nose on their faces
you're an alcoholic
yet, being is some wicked state of denial
they utterly refuse to accept it
neither to you
or in front of the mirror

but one day
it comes home to roost
and maybe at the end
the truth will come out
and still we justify ourselves

you wanna know what salvation is
you hear people saying that they are "born again"
salvation is when some poor bastard
stops lying to him/her-self
and gets down on hands and knees and says
God forgive me
i'm a no good mother fucker
and that ain't changing
my wife left me
my kids hate me
my dog dun ran off
my girlfriends yawn when i talk
i'm drunk or high half the time
i'm depressed
i'm sick
i'm dying
i'm alcoholic [perverted, weird, hung-up, a sex maniac, issolated, burnt, broke and whatever else may fit your dilemma ... a hypocrite, self righteous, and on and on]
and then you say>
"Lord, SAVE me"
and he does
and you know that he did inside
... that's how you know you been born again,
... you BEEN born again
and then he heals you and sets you free
from "lying to yourself"

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Message to Iran: Rugs and Shisha


if your philosophy
and knowledge
is so great
then what is there to be afraid of

in my view
your leaders
would just as soon
see the Iranian people destroyed
than to permit them so much as a minute of freedom

slaves have no business with weapons
especially weapons of mass destruction
under these circumstances
the Iranian nation will be governed
by those with a superior philosophy

for heaven's sake
the Iranians invented trade, medicine,
literature, money and the worlds most prized and collectible wealth
who would deny them the opportunity
to engage in fellowship with the rest of the world
in a free and open market
they are incredible business people
they have so much to offer everyone
their leaders castrate them
those who dominate their own gifted people
lest they should emerge as formidable
it is unnecessary that they use nuclear power to achieve this
no one else has
it is all going back to handmade rugs and shisha anyhow
they must be permitted to produce many other high quality products
and they would prosper especially today
because value is highly in demand

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Discretion vs. Hypocrisy

there is a huge difference between
discretion in truth
hypocrisy in lies
a wise person knows the difference

simply ask the question
when faced with a person's words and behavior
is this person for getting or forgiving

if the person is for getting
then you can expect hypocritical lies
this is more about selling for the sake of personal profit
if the person is for giving
you may expect discreet truth
this is more about exchanging for the sake of mutual benefit

Greenspan: Balance vs. Growth

in my study of Greenspan
i see that the cosmopolitan world
is obsessed with growth
especially growth in interest rates
which in effect is usury

i see mr greenspan
as seeking the balance
which i feel is much more important
as in the human body
as in the basic household
and in every higher sphere
growth like a cancer
can rapidly destroy an organism
unless it is considered a healthy form of growth
after a certain point all organisms age
and growth begins to decline
it is the same with all entities
that is why it becomes increasingly necessary
for the nations to grow as a global unit
finding the balance
instead of clutching separatist and isolated realms
controlled and stifled by the limitations
of emotionally and traditionally driven populist agenda

Monday, July 07, 2008

God Man and Christ

when man first became aware of his own existence
he understood that he was to care for and steward the earth
in that context Adam also understood the meaning of his life and presence
in so doing he would be in fellowship with his creator

mankind was never intended to become a slave to the earth
or anything else
but a master over the creation

God has restored man to his rightful place in nature
in Christ Jesus

Round Soft and Flexible

it feels good to be into
what is round soft and flexible

those who carry a round soft smile on their face
which radiates from within
a round soft and flexible spirit
tend to consistently manifest happiness to others
promoting the same in them

it feels bad to be into
what is square hard and inflexible

those who carry a square hard and inflexible expressions on their face
which radiates from within
a square hard and inflexible spirit
tend to consistently manifest unhappiness to others
promoting the same in them

Friday, July 04, 2008


the only thing about slavery
that has ever been abolished
is the term
slaves in the world today
are now referred to as employees and consumers
and most of whom are shackled by luxurious standards of living
out of balance with the physical, philosophical and spiritual levels of refinement
required to support the wealthier lifestyles
common folly, vice and vulgarity have formed the chains and shackles
on the souls of todays affluent society

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Give and Take

May the wise be edified and may those who seek understanding find it as they ponder about sincere openness and truth.

The rule is simple: When you give to others you give to yourself.
May everything you do be a blessing for others and in so doing a blessing to yourself.

For whenever you take from another, you take from yourself.