Insecurity and That Game
I run across every now and then,
"Is it really all that hard for you to feel secure?
Are you really all that fucked up?
Or, is that simply the game you like to play?"
But i never do ... that is my game.
No offense, but you should consider a few of the points in your column, where I inserted comments.
jewish people
have the most profound understanding of humanity
of all the people i have ever met
their natural instincts seem to oppose
nationalism, fascism, racism, sexism or strict adherence any other creed (Israeli agression,and virtual genocide of palestinians)
some gravitate toward a standardized equality in socialism
which seems to resemble their own historical government (Karl Marx's communism which killed maybe 100 million)
i believe that the absence of spiritual principles
in temporal governments has always let them down (ADL's support of abortion, removal of prayer, Jewish run Hollywood morality)
and that they will inevitably return to only one god (Talmudic power)
who is the god of peace
respectfully )
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Driven By Lust section of this multi-blog