
Saturday, July 28, 2007

Insecurity and That Game

Sometimes i feel like asking certain insecure people
I run across every now and then,
"Is it really all that hard for you to feel secure?
Are you really all that fucked up?
Or, is that simply the game you like to play?"
But i never do ... that is my game.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Hung Up Over Taboos

who says you need to live your life
hung up over taboos?

think about them
understand where they came from
and decide for yourself
if they work
in your wardrobe


taboos are dogmatic legalisms which exhibit totalitarian control over the mind
those whose lives are filled with taboos
burden others with them
beginning with their own children

Monday, July 23, 2007

Parents Think

all i am
is a tiny clump of energy
that looks cute
but thinks like a prince
check it out

most parents think
that because they taught you how to wipe your butt
and brush your teeth
that they are worthy
of some kind of great praise, respect and worship
even when by example
they drove prejudice, negativism and vulgarity
deep into your soul

when all is said and done
it think it's better
to give praise where praise is due

Alienation and Intimacy

when communication
is much more about self
and much more about other
alienation has begun
which ends ultimately in great distance

when communication
is much more about other
and much less about self
unity has begun
which ends ultimately in intimacy

i have found that expecting a 50/50 situation
to exist is ridiculous
in terms of communication
it is better to err on the side of selflessness
or giving a little more
than what one would expect to receive
rather than selfishness
the pay back is often greater
and the returns are often immediate

Jewish People and Humanity

jewish people
have the most profound understanding of humanity
of all the people i have ever met

their natural instincts seem to oppose
nationalism, fascism, racism, sexism or strict adherence any other creed
some gravitate toward a standardized equality in socialism
which seems to resemble their own historical government
i believe that the absence of spiritual principles
in temporal governments has always let them down
and that they will inevitably return to only one god
who is the god of peace

(after posting this an anonymous reader made these comments for my consideration and i think it would be wise to post them here for general viewing — thank you, dear reader, your wise and insightful comments are most appreciated — wildfeather:

No offense, but you should consider a few of the points in your column, where I inserted comments.

jewish people
have the most profound understanding of humanity
of all the people i have ever met
their natural instincts seem to oppose
nationalism, fascism, racism, sexism or strict adherence any other creed (Israeli agression,and virtual genocide of palestinians)

some gravitate toward a standardized equality in socialism
which seems to resemble their own historical government (Karl Marx's communism which killed maybe 100 million)

i believe that the absence of spiritual principles
in temporal governments has always let them down (ADL's support of abortion, removal of prayer, Jewish run Hollywood morality)

and that they will inevitably return to only one god (Talmudic power)
who is the god of peace

respectfully )

Friday, July 20, 2007

The Artist and the Governed

if the mind and life of the president of the united states
is continually being groomed, reformed, restricted and conformed
being told by his advisers
what he
must think
what he
must say
and what he
must do

the ones who advise him
are likewise being groomed, reformed, restricted and conformed
being told by their advisers
what they
must think
what they
must say
and what they
must do

the ones who advise the advisers to the president
are likewise being groomed, reformed, restricted and conformed
being told by their advisers
what they
must think
what they
must say
and what they
must do

in case you were wondering
it is the inspired artist
who is at the helm
many generations removed
we go unnoticed
living relatively anonymous and modest lives
we come and go
as we please
and have few restrictions
so subtle are we in our pronouncements
that when we speak
no one truly listens
yet our statements are none the less noticed
and often quite effective
many of us have been gifted
with original ideas visions and dreams
our government is literally the highest government
our works grace the grandest and tallest cathedrals
enduring through generations of kings and popes
we bring life and truth into the light
for all to see
while the words of our writers
have been remembered and taught since before moses
and those who pay the highest sums for our work
are those who are the most deeply enslaved
hoping to escape their shackles
by gazing into the majestically expressed freedom of our existence

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The Honor of Giving and Receiving

honor is a relative term
that is best determined
by each individual personally

i think that it is truly better
to give than to receive
since in giving doors may open
where as in taking
doors will certainly shut
but this too is relative
consider what Donald Trump gives
and all the doors that are open to him
and what Christ gave
and all the doors that were closed to him

there is a big difference between
giving on a material level
and giving on a spiritual level
for although giving on a material level
doors will certainly open
those who give and those who receive
may remain quite closed and shut down
whereas giving on a spiritual level
doors will often close
but those who give and those who receive
remain quite open and connected
vulnerable and intimate

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Men Women and Kissing

women loathe men
who kiss them because they are beautiful

and love to kiss men
with whom they feel connected

For more on the subject visit the
Driven By Lust section of this multi-blog

Friday, July 13, 2007

United in the Truth

when i come into a relationship with another person
i come with the only thing of value
i have to offer
and that is the truth
but that truth is what i know to be my truth
if my truth is accepted
i know i have a friend
if my truth is rejected
i know i have an enemy
interpersonal dynamics are that simple

how i relate to friends and enemies
will continue to be based upon the same paradigm of truth
a truth which is the light
rather than the darkness
for it is only in the revelation of truth
that enemies may have confidence of becoming united
and the hope of prospering in love
as friends

The Movement of Light

forget about the shadows
for they are nothing
and pray to understand the movement of light
and you will come to know the meaning
of all that is sublime

Libyan Sybil

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Further Study on Open and Closed

i have learned that an open, connected, vulnerable and intimate state of being
results in deep personal liberation and tendencies toward honor
a quiet but virtual heaven in one's own accessible soul
it worships love and the raising up of others
finding security in faith, hope and love
the kindest of all overlords

on the other hand

i have learned that a closed, disconnected, protected and distant state of being
results in deep personal obsession, perversion and tendencies toward personal shame and guilt
a quiet but virtual hell in one's own isolated soul
it worships hatred and belittling others
finding a false security in money, power, cynicism and doubt
the cruelest of all the overlords

i know that
being open or closed
is a function of each person's own intellect and will
independent of parentage, training, education, race, color, creed or gender

i believe that every person sees himself
as right in his own eyes
but whether a person is open or closed
is determined by the friends and relationships one enjoys

certain things would appear inconsistent
for how can one say he is open and isolated at the same time
or how can one be closed while being honored continually by many friends
and yet there may be times for privacy and solitude among the open
and times for publicity and honor among the closed

i believe we have been given but one life
and it is in this life that we will determine
where we spend eternity
for our consciousness
is our eternity

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Divorce, Being Together and Love

as i look back
over my former marriage
of over twenty two years
i understand that the underlying reason we divorced
is because we had difficulty being together

so in a sense
we were divorced in many ways
right from the beginning
after twenty two years
we gave up having difficulty together
and in trying to understand the other

many factors fostered a spirit of being closed, disconnect, protective and distant
in many areas of our lives
our family of origin, education, and personal choices along the way
were quite weak and faulty
it is easy to look at other people
and copy what appears right and fine
but unless one's deepest foundation
is firm and secure
whatever edifice one may build
if founded upon unwise principles
may one day come tumbling down
as was the case in my life
no religion, gurus, money,
or vain co-depend caring or fixing
will save you
but love can save you
and love in the sense of what manifests itself
as being open, connected, vulnerable and intimate
is the process of the love i speak of

A Letter to My Son


I pray to God that he give me the grace to continue to be open, connected, vulnerable and intimate believing with all my heart that there is no other way to manifest love, life or truth in the world, beginning with one's family. If anyone thinks or believes that caring, support or any other notion of love is founded upon principles of being closed, disconnected, protective and distant, in my view, such a person is misguided and a liar, a hypocrite and a murderer because these things are ultimately and always the manifestations of those characteristics. I have lived it.

I pray also that you will continue in these virtues so that you may know in the end who it is who truly loves you and always has.

Your Father

Love What You Do

the quickest way
and the best way
to become successful and famous
is to love what you do
rather than to love the fantasy
of becoming successful and famous

Sensible or Senseless

those who perceive what they are doing
are sensible

those who are unable or unwilling to perceive
what they are doing
are senseless

for example
some folks i know
love to play their instruments
so loud that neither they
nor anyone else is able to hear
what they are doing
this is senseless

on the other hand
i know a jazz quartet
where each person
is sensitive to their own sounds
as well as the sounds of their partners
and what follows is sensible

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Thoughts on Calamity

if you are alive
there is a chance you will survive

[for thoughts on Darfur go to:

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Performing One's Art

those who perform their art
to give love
rather than to get love
are the happiest

True Art

i think true art and self expression has less to do
with what you make
and more to do with who you are

if the product of ones hand and heart is honest uninhibited expression
it may be a form of art
similar to that of honest poetry

when an artisan fabricates something for sale or barter
supplying a demand
such a person often develops certain disciplines
in craft and business
and may evolve into a highly refined designer
which is praiseworthy
because it fills a need or purpose in society
and reaps rewards

the aloof artist who believes
that society must compensate
solely on the basis of one's manifestations and
and self expressions without regard for proactive
and interdependence is foolish I believe
because little is being served
beyond the vanity and the ego of the so called artist
however if such works are exhibited
or given as gifts
they may exhibit the most extraordinary value

figure that out!

Monday, July 02, 2007

Being Present

Christ never asked us to forgo living in the present
for the promise of some future reward
vain religion does
Christ asks us to love
to give
to forgive
and to believe

Key Question - Shame

painting by Paul Bradley

if i were to ask
one question
of all those with whom
i have failed in relationship
it would be this

"what are you so ashamed of"

the answer would invariably be
meaning, "me"

i think shame, guilt, and fear
are key motives to address
in getting to the root of many problems
in communication and relationship

Sunday, July 01, 2007

The Story of the Lame Stable Boy

there was once a lame stable boy
who was an orphan and slow of speech
who was raised by strict parents who owned a stable
and would beat him when ever he made a mistake while at his chores

the young lad loved horses so much
that whenever a patron would receive his horse back
he would remark at how good the horse looked
and how happy he was to have kept him there

knowing how much the lad loved to care for horses
one day a patron interrupted the usual beatings
with an offer to take the lad on at his estate to work in his own stable
withing a short time and the right tools and nurturing
the lad grew into nothing short of a gentleman
living in his own cottage
and managing a crew of no less than a dozen others
whom he treated similarly with love respect and the most tender care
who eventually as the horses
all came to look quite good
needless to say
he was mentioned quite handsomely in the will of his benefactor
and one day acquired an estate of his own