
Friday, August 31, 2007

Free or Slave

i serve you freely and faithfully
but treat me as your slave
how ridiculous
how absurd
how vulgar
for when you do
you give me even greater authority
over you

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Product Over People

the consumer generation
of the post war fifties
taught us that happiness was to be about things
the media trained us to love and be loyal
to product over people

breaking this mold
is a matter of life or the death of the soul

Monday, August 20, 2007

Cleaning House

those who have a love affair with disobedience
hatred scorn arrogance pride and condemnation
it is best to avoid them
especially if they are members of your own family
father, mother, son, daughter, brother and sister
who often feel that their proximity
gives them special license to impose, abuse, control and destroy
whatever self esteem the innocent one possesses

this evil tendency toward the other
may be done in the name of religion
in the name of family
in the name of a debt
in the name of coercion
whatever the name
we must stand in what belongs to us
beginning with our self respect
and our natural entitlement
to have our wishes and feelings
honored and respected

although this philosophy is better established from the beginning
through good parentage and training
if we were instead vulgarized by our parents
i think we must establish this philosophy
on our own and have the stamina
to enforce it through legal means if necessary

clean house
and live peacefully
there is no better way to be

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Distance and Value

the following i intend to write
to a close estranged relative

i have learned
that when one finds it easy
to disconnect from another
for a long time
it is a good indication
that there was little there of any real value
to begin with

i am writing to you
because i have loved you from the beginning

Friday, August 17, 2007

Shitty, Non-supportive, fragmented

i came into this world
through a shitty, non-supportive, fragmented
family of victims

sounds terrible to say, huh?

and i became a shitty, non-supportive, fragmented,
victim kind of guy

shitty, non-supportive, fragmented victims
will vulgarize you, negate you, abuse you, reject you, threaten you,
and ultimately murder you emotionally through vanity, pride and hatred
because among such kinds of people
vanity, pride and hatred
is more highly esteemed than human beings
in fact, such people have generally been chosen
to fight in armies where they make sacred
the destruction of other human beings like themselves
while they are told that the others are unlike themselves
and being prejudiced against all that is foreign to them
they set out to justify their crimes against humanity
while in uniforms and ladened down with medals and citations

i believe that i am being delivered
from this class of people
and being raised to a higher more magnanimous caste
because of one thing
i have learned how to reclaim my own identity
and exercise the faculty of choice

Monday, August 13, 2007

The Spirit of San Francisco

returning from a concert in Golden Gate Park
d and i met this lovely couple
on our way to our car
there was something magical about their presence

we're moving back East after twenty five years
their photo will serve as a real momento
of the spirit of San Francisco

thank you K and R for being there and sharing yourselves with us

—wildfeather & denise

Friday, August 10, 2007

Love — A Blessing or a Curse!

"when love is for-giving
people are full of blessings

when love is for-getting
people are full of cursing"

the reason i say this is because
i have come to the conclusion
that the term "i love you"
is meaningless to the receiver
until supported by action
when i take a closer look at the action
what do i really see there?
i love you because you are my son
i love you because you are cute
i love you because you are my mommy
i love you because you treat me well
i love you because you support me
i love you because i am emotionally attached to you
i think these "loves" weigh on the side of "getting"

when i see:

i love you because i choose to give to you
regardless of what i receive in return
love has moved beyond a legalistic system of accounting
balance and reciprocation and entered into a region known as agape

agape love is a form of love which is "giving" inspired
rather than receiving inspired
it often is translated from the greek as "charity"

i am just beginning to learn
that such a form of giving and philanthropy
will manifest itself quite clearly in conversation
there it is perhaps more powerful and effective
than when giving in some material manner
because it relates to a present, conscious moment of connection
between me and another human being
it was in that connection
that Jesus is said to have loved and healed so many
that moment is the only thing that exists
or will ever exist
for each moment is eternal
it is in that face to face moment
that i choose to bless or curse
love or hate
honor or dishonor
live or die
give or get

one will notice in this site
that i make reference to Jesus from time to time
this is the reason
a part from any religion
and based purely on spiritual reasoning
Jesus represents for me the best gauge for love
that i have found so far in the history of mankind
and that is why i have learned of him
studied his words and embraced his wisdom
i have never been disappointed
in the blessings i have received there
and am capable of giving there

Finger Friends

beware of certain people
itchin to be you friend
so that one day they can tell you
to go screw yourself

Daddy, Anger, Fear and Control

i remember the shock waves
that used to go through me
when my father (and/or mother) would get angry
and how that would affect me
and bother me
and to a great degree
control me?

what if i were to tell you that
that anger was a distorted anger
and it caused me to become co-dependent
which means
that until i deal with those feelings
every time someone becomes angry like that
(anger that was meant to control me)
i will have a tendency to return to those conditioned feelings inside
and the same effects will occur in me
and i will become a little child again
while some people who understand this
may use anger to control me
and others use and control me by default
the results of distorted anger being the same
being about some form of control
by causing a conditioned response of fear in me

nice, huh?

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Peace Order and Armageddon

peace and order
... how does one secure it

if someone is brutally beating up his girlfriend
you call the police
if someone has kidnapped a child
you call the police
if someone is destroying your property or stealing it
you call the police
if someone is selling drugs on the corner
you call the police

who do you call
when someone blows up the restaurant you are eating in
who do you call
when someone hijacks the plane you are travelling in
who do you call
when someone blows up the bus you are riding in
who do you call
when someone blows up the building you are working in

when it becomes necessary to restrain an entire people
to secure peace and order
a police state has arrived

when it becomes necessary to restrain the entire world
to secure peace and order
the anti-christ will arrive
(in full accordance of the aquarian conspiracy probably as the fifth buddha, or matraya, who knows)
with a plan for world peace
and a necessary but peaceful mass genocide
which will rid the world of all backward "religious folk"
and the whole world will worship only one person
as each is stamped, labeled or computer-chipped
in order to distinguish them from the politically incorrect infidels
(believe me i know about these things living in Berkeley for more than ten years)
"666" representing numerically the systems of man
repeating itself irrationally without resolution
prophesy claims that from his entry
after three and one half years
a huge battle will take place in israel
on the mountain of meggido
near nazareth
otherwise called armageddon
at that time
the glorified Christ
who lived, died and rose from the dead
strictly by the power of his love of life and truth
will appear and secure freedom and life
for all who believe likewise
and have chosen to follow a course of peace, kindness
and brotherly love even unto martyrdom
"blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven"
for indeed the first city of the nation of israel
jerusalem, which means the "city of peace",
has set a precedent
that will endure until the end of time

This site, according to Revelations, is where the final
battle will be between the forces of good and evil.
The name may originate from the Hebrew name
"mountain of Megiddo".

Monday, August 06, 2007

In Yourself and About Yourself

it is extremely important to feel good
in yourself and about yourself
before you can feel good about things
or people beginning with family

this might sound selfish
and would be if limited to the self
but feeling good in and about oneself
projects to others
in attitudes that can transform negative situations
into positive ones
feeling bad in and about oneself
contaminates a positive situation
transforming it into drama
that is often difficult to be around

friends, family, loved ones and movies
may defile you
if you let them dump negative attitudes on you
through foul and cynical language, gossip, hatred, resentment,
discouragement, fear, and all forms of distorted anger
it is best to avoid them
and never attempt to convert them
except by example
just live your life well and to the fullest
and let them watch and hate on if they must
since that is what they are often deeply determined to do
because many people simply choose to love to hate
you or anyone or anything else
it is wise to avoid such people like the plague
stand up to them cautiously and discreetly
and never shrink in their midst
but be fearless
asserting your good feelings
and good intentions
that you wish to maintain
being righteous in all your responses
lest you become like them
and through stature, grace and elegance
manifest true beauty
and prove your magnanimity
and power
to all
in the face of their ugliness
and their adversity
this victory
is among the greatest feelings
of good you will ever know

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Good Decisions

better decisions and moral fiber
from sound universal wisdom
good training and discipline
result in proactive
and interdependent relationships

attitudes and actions
based upon ethnic moralities
and religious ceremonies
produce weak and less integrative behavior

i was a good sicilian
raised to be a good catholic
by the the good irish and good germans
married a good slovak
and raised two good sons who were trained
by the media of the 80's and 90's good america
to think like good common consumers
when i became a believer
i went to a good black evangelical church
and was eventually ordained by three good redneck ministers

now that i have matured and grown a bit
and am considered evil by all of the above
i realize that many of my good decisions were confused
i have found that it might have been wiser to study the works of
aristotle, thomas jefferson and lord chesterfield
and use their terrible teachings
as a good check and balance for the good of all the others

Friday, August 03, 2007

Whose Freedom?

"warrantless searches and surveillance of American phone calls, e-mails, homes, offices and personal records"

the government is slowly but securely shackling the nation
in the tight bonds of whose freedom

Thursday, August 02, 2007


Molest \Mo*lest"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Molested; p. pr. & vb. n. Molesting.]

[F. molester, L. molestare, fr. molestus troublesome, fr. moles a heavy mass, load, burden. See 3d Mole.]

To trouble; to disturb; to render uneasy; to interfere with; to vex.

They have molested the church with needless opposition. --Hooker.

Syn: To trouble; disturb; incommode; inconvenience; annoy; vex; tease.

Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

if a person is unwilling or incapable
of expressing their own feelings
and if this person is unwilling or incapable
of honoring yours
that person will probably molest you
in one way or another

if that person is your mother, father or a superior
that person may molest you and demand that you keep quiet

if that person is a child, sister or brother
that person may molest you passive aggressively
through bitterness, negative attitude or manipulation

when it comes to a point
when the molester is unwilling or incapable
of honoring your feelings
you must either remover yourself from them
or you must remove them from you
but first one must express their feelings honestly

pay little attention to what people think or say
most people i know are being molested
in one way or another
and have been their entire lives
either by priests, employers, or in mis-matched relationships
being subordinated and emasculated by another's physical or mental power
such is classically the case with women and children

My Advise to Developing Artists

you gotta do it
until it becomes a global skill
whatever you have to smoke
smoke it
whatever you have to drink
drink it
just as long as when you do
you keep on rehearsing
until it becomes a global skill

once it becomes a global skill
and you are able to move around freely
you have arrived
and you can go where you wanna go
and do what you wanna do
and say what you wanna say

now that's freedom

Quarterly Statement

while the united states
was in the throws
of a deep financial crisis
and an economic recession
business was slow
like in depression times

as a master craftsman
and independent contractor
living in a new area
i was unwilling to raise my family
consistent with the consumer values
of the 80's and 90's
and was considered a failure
by my former wife and children
to this day

i was able to continue on without them
and today have achieved great success
among my friends, extended families
and all my business relations
i regret nothing
for these trails have made me strong
if i could change anything
i would continue to change only myself
and let things and all the others
be just as they are